Kingdom Chronicles with Dr. Brett A. Griffin Podcast

Kingdom Chronicles with Dr. Brett A. Griffin

Charisma Podcast Network
As a US Veteran, Dr. Griffin has experienced first hand, the power of agreement in alignment with governmental protocols. In a world and times of failed governments and systems, there is still yet the reality of The Kingdom Of Heaven to be revealed through the lives of the Believer. Genesis 1:26, begins with the mind of God being revealed toward mankind. In “Kingdom Chronicles”, we will observe (through scripture)- the ultimate intention of The Heavenly Father, as Creator and King; that His dominion be revealed throughout the Earth through His sons. This begins however, with understanding that The Holy Scriptures given to Moses on Mt. Sinai pointed to an actual government, and the foundation to this government’s reestablishment in Spirit - is to be accomplished through the reality of the Believers’ sonship with The Heavenly Father as King. It is through this sonship, that our intended dominion is revealed - that we might truly, “Occupy til He comes.”
God’s Nature - The Need for His Resemblance
The manifestation of God’s nature, begins with the resemblance of His image.  This image was, and is accomplished, not by good behavior, deeds, nor man’s own sense of morality.   In this “selfie” -driven age, The Body Of Christ need return to the only image that is accepted by God, The Father. This is the only image through which Heaven’s Kingdom will manifest.
Jul 19, 2021
43 min
“The Importance Of The Presence Of God” (Part 3)
The presence of God does not move at random. Each time in scripture where there was a manifestation of that which God spake, His presence first hovered with designated purpose.  When we reverently come into the presence of God, The Lord’s truth is then revealed, with the grace and power to execute the purpose for that which He has spoken.
Jul 12, 2021
55 min
The Importance of The Presence of God (Par 2)
Before God prepared Moses to convey God’s word to a “new born” nation, (The Hebrews), Moses was first called to be alone with God.  Sometimes we may know why The Holy Spirit is drawing us, and there are those times when we do not.  Nevertheless, God always has a preordained purpose for His calling.  Before we “hear”, we must respond.
Jul 5, 2021
34 min
The Importance of the presence of God (part 1)
Before the mind of God is revealed, His presence must hover.  In this episode, we continue in Genesis, at the very beginning.  Here we rediscover how the Spirit of God hovered before He spoke.  Likewise, in order for our lives to have the desired clarity and direction in seeing God’s Kingdom’s rule in our lives, He calls for His people to return to His Presence.
Jun 28, 2021
35 min
Laying The Foundation:  The need for the image of God.
Join Dr. Brett A. Griffin as she unveils the heart and mind of The Heavenly Father toward mankind, and His intention of the Earth’s “mirrored”reflection of Heaven as revealed in scripture.  Here you will hear revelations that she has harnessed for decades of The Kingdom of God, and its need to be revealed in our world today through the lives of “The Believer.” These unique revelations will give insight into scriptural meanings meant to be revealed through the authority of The Body Of Christ at large.   Laying The Foundation:  The need for the image of God.    The Kingdom of God is eternal and ruled from Heaven by a sovereign King.  This King is also a loving Father, who intended that His Earth would be ruled by sons who govern through His image.  This image was lost in the garden, (Genesis 3); and has therefore resulted in that which we behold in our world today.  The beginning of the manifestation of The Kingdom of Heaven in Earth, will begin with the image of God being restored to this planet through His sons.   Dr. Brett A. Griffin is a prophetic voice to this world and age.  She works nationally and internationally with five-fold leaders in restoring and discipling the The Body of Christ in Kingdom living.  Dr. Griffin is also a private consultant to entrepreneurs and leaders in various spheres of influence of government and community.  She is also a mentor to prophets and strategic intercessors in The United States, Canada, and Europe.   Follow Dr. Brett A. Griffin at:   YouTube: Facebook: Instagram:   Website:
Jun 21, 2021
35 min
Introducing, Kingdom Chronicles!
As a US Veteran, Dr. Griffin has experienced first hand, the power of agreement in alignment with governmental protocols.  In a world and times of failed governments and systems, there is still yet the reality of The Kingdom Of Heaven to be revealed through the lives of the Believer. Genesis 1:26, begins with the mind of God being revealed toward mankind.
Jun 15, 2021
3 min