Killer Cross Examination Podcast

Killer Cross Examination

Neil Rockind
If you’re a trial junkie or a true crime buff, then you know that cross examination is the most dynamic part of a trial. Cases are won and lost on cross examination. It is real life drama. Neil Rockind, “The Rockweiler”, a veteran trial lawyer and tv legal expert offers his entertaining take on trials and talks with the most iconic lawyers about their war stories, cases and careers. This is real life. This is killer cross examination.
Tony Buzbee Is As Advertised
Tony Buzbee is a compelling, impressive and dominating trial lawyer. A few seconds into watching him cross examine or argue in court or even in a conversation, one can tell that he is a winner, plays to win and to borrow from a too often used phrase, walks the walk. Fresh off his successful defense of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in the Paxton Impeachment Trial, Buzbee is our guest on the Killer Cross Examination Podcast. Buzbee embodies the spirit of Killer Cross Examination. His cross examination of witnesses who testified against Ken Paxton is the stuff of legends. He was cutthroat, unapologetic, humorous and focused. When Buzbee cornered a witness, he didn’t let the witness out of the corner until it was clear that the witness was defeated. The New York Times described Buzbee as “fire-breathing” and they were right. He is as tenacious as they come. While Buzbee’s primary practice area is bringing large corporations to justice, e.g., he represented individuals injured in various types of toxic torts, offshore drilling catastrophic injury litigation and numerous individuals and concert attendees at the calamitous Travis Scott Astroworld concert that resulted in concertgoers being crushed and “stampeded”, he points out that he is able and willing to try any case that interests him. He has successfully defended Ken Paxton, former Texas governor Rick Perry, been named a Super Lawyer, the Texas lawyer of the year. Buzbee talked about the Paxton trial, the historical nature of the trial, battling Texas legendary trial lawyers, Rusty Hardin and Dick Deguerin. ************************************* About Neil Rockind - Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer. Neil Rockind is often considered a bet the farm/company type of lawyer, taking on cases where the stakes are “all in.” Neil Rockind appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events with other top lawyers around the country. Neil Rockind has won just about every award imaginable, has represented athletes, celebrities, musicians, posters and has obtained acquittals in all varieties of cases. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style. Neil Rockind: Https:// Https:// Tony Buzbee: http://www.txattorneys.com ************************************* Subscribe to Killer Cross Examination® Podcast APPLE: SPOTIFY: GOOGLE PODCASTS: AUDIBLE: ****************************************** Fair Use Doctrine The contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. To the extent the videos capture images or likenesses, we do not own the rights to those images, likenesses, etc and only use them pursuant to the fair use doctrine. All other rights are reserved. #crossexamination #buzbee #paxton
Nov 22, 2023
59 min
Deandra Grant, “The Texas DWI Gal”
Deandra Grant, the Texas lawyer who is an expert in scientific evidence, is often referred to as “the lawyer lawyer’s call” when they need criminal defense help and assistance. Deandra Grant joins Neil Rockind on this episode of the top rated Killer Cross Examination Podcast. Deandra Grant is a criminal defense lawyer who specializes in intoxicated-related offenses and with assisting other attorneys with cases in which intoxication may be an issue. She is the co-author of the Texas DWI Manual and a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the American Chemical Society. She has a masters degree in pharmaceutical science and graduate certificate in forensic toxicology. Not only is she a sought after speaker and presenter and an instructor but she founded an organization devoted to educating defense lawyers in DWI type cases. Deandra Grant is a well-known lawyer in Texas criminal defense circles and a name nationwide to lawyers who handle drunk driving and intoxicated driving cases. Deandra Grant is regarded as an extraordinary cross examiner but don’t expect her to snarl and scream at the top of her lungs when cross examining a witness. Quite the opposite, she kills with kindness, offering witnesses a lethal choice of having to argue with her (when she clearly knows more than them) or agreeing with her and thus undermining their own case. And Deandra Grant does it all with a soft Texas drawl/accent and a smile. Texas is the birthplace and home to some legendary lawyers, e.g., Gerald Goldstein, Jack Zimmerman, Racehorse Haynes, Dick DeGuerin, Rusty Hardin, Anthony Buzzbee, Mark Lanier, Cynthia Orr, to name just a few. During the podcast, Deandra Grant discusses her own experiences and her own cases but also comments on the Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial which featured a showdown between Buzzbee, Hardin and DeGuerin. Deandra Grant discusses her favorite types of witnesses to cross examine and shares several war stories from storied career. ************************************* About Neil Rockind - Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer. Neil Rockind is often considered a bet the farm/company type of lawyer, taking on cases where the stakes are “all in.” Neil Rockind appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events with other top lawyers around the country. Neil Rockind has won just about every award imaginable, has represented athletes, celebrities, musicians, posters and has obtained acquittals in all varieties of cases. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style. Neil Rockind: Deandra Grant: Https:// Https:// And on Facebook as Deandra Grant - “The Texas DWI Gal” ************************************* Subscribe to Killer Cross Examination® Podcast APPLE: SPOTIFY: GOOGLE PODCASTS: AUDIBLE: ******************************************
Oct 20, 2023
1 hr 9 min
Canadian Killer Cross with Joseph Neuberger
(TW: This episode contains language regarding sexual assault that some may find uncomfortable.) This week's guest on Killer Cross Examination takes us on a journey into the life of a Canadian criminal defense attorney, and ultimately what that experience has meant for him. This week's guest on Killer Cross Examination takes us on a journey into the life of a Canadian criminal defense attorney, and ultimately what that experience has meant for him. Joseph Neuberger is our guest. Neuberger is one of Ontario’s most prominent and well-known criminal defense lawyers. Prior to the podcast, I knew little about Neuberger and the Canadian criminal justice system. I know much more about both now. Joseph Neuberger, welcome. ************************************* About Neil Rockind - Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer. Neil Rockind is often considered a bet the farm/company type of lawyer, taking on cases where the stakes are “all in.” Neil Rockind appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events with other top lawyers around the country. Neil Rockind has won just about every award imaginable, has represented athletes, celebrities, musicians, posters and has obtained acquittals in all varieties of cases. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style. ****************************************** Fair Use DoctrineThe contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. To the extent the videos capture images or likenesses, we do not own the rights to those images, likenesses, etc and only use them pursuant to the fair use doctrine.All other rights are reserved. #crossexamination #canada #josephneuberger
Sep 6, 2023
48 min
Behind The Scenes With Mark Eiglarsh, Attorney For Scot Peterson
My guest is Mark Eiglarsh. Mark Eiglarsh is a criminal defense lawyer, television analyst out of Florida. Eiglarsh is a regular, television commentator and analyst regularly appearing on CNN, Fox News and Court TV. He was a nightly fixture on the Dr. Drew show on CNN Headline News following and covering the Jodi Arias murder trial. The massacre at Rosemary Stoneman Douglas High School was fresh in the minds, eyes and hearts of so many when stories about school resource officer Scot Peterson began to unfold. At the time of the shooting, Peterson was the school’s law enforcement resource officer or liaison. It was his job to protect the students and he was being accused of doing just the opposite - acting out of cowardice and fear and “freezing” rather than finding, charging in and confronting the shooter. When he was charged with crimes, e.g., culpable negligence, neglect of duty as a caregiver to the students and perjury, Peterson turned to Eiglarsh to defend him. Eiglarsh did just that - through the years of litigation, depositions, motions, etc., Eiglarsh defended Peterson. Eiglarsh’s defense was spirited and effective - Peterson was acquitted by a jury on all counts. Eiglarsh joins me on this episode of the Killer Cross Examination Podcast.*************************************About Neil Rockind - Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer. Neil Rockind is often considered a bet the farm/company type of lawyer, taking on cases where the stakes are “all in.” Neil Rockind appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events with other top lawyers around the country. Neil Rockind has won just about every award imaginable, has represented athletes, celebrities, musicians, posters and has obtained acquittals in all varieties of cases. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style.Neil Rockind: Eiglarsh:Https://*************************************Subscribe to Killer Cross Examination® PodcastAPPLE: PODCASTS:******************************************Fair Use DoctrineThe contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. To the extent the videos capture images or likenesses, we do not own the rights to those images, likenesses, etc and only use them pursuant to the fair use doctrine.All other rights are reserved.#crossexamination #markeiglarsh #scotpeterson
Aug 6, 2023
1 hr
Marc Shiner Does Killer Cross
Marc Shiner is our guest for this week's Killer Cross Examination Podcast episode. I go behind the scenes of the Travis Rudolph murder case, the former Florida State University Football star who shiner defended in a Florida courtroom. Marc Shiner obtained an acquittal on all counts for Travis Rudolph. The case was highly publicized and not without fireworks: Shiner went after lead detective Emily Vander-Laan over her investigation. Shiner’s style of cross examination and in particular his cross examination of Vander-Laan is unconventional but incredibly effective. Shiner engages in a physical style of cross examination that really challenges the witness and was so effective in this case that not only did the jury disbelieve Vander-Laan but many observers (who watched his challenge of her) wanted other cases of hers reopened and re-examined. ************************************* About Neil Rockind - Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer. Neil Rockind is often considered a bet the farm/company type of lawyer, taking on cases where the stakes are “all in.” Neil Rockind appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events with other top lawyers around the country. Neil Rockind has won just about every award imaginable, has represented athletes, celebrities, musicians, posters and has obtained acquittals in all varieties of cases. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style. Fair Use Doctrine The contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. To the extent the videos capture images or likenesses, we do not own the rights to those images, likenesses, etc and only use them pursuant to the fair use doctrine. All other rights are reserved. #travisrudolph #truecrime #crossexamination #marcshiner
Jul 21, 2023
53 min
Gerald “Gerry” Goldstein Defended Hunter Thompson And A Prophet
Gerry Goldstein is a a living legend. He’s represented a so-called prophet, a drug lord, politicians, an irreverent author to name a few. If there is a who’s who list out there about lawyers or quality people who are also lawyers, Goldstein is in the top 5. A visit to his office is a walk down a lane of history — accolades, awards, photographs, verdict forms line the walls from top to bottom and Goldstein has won so many, he needed a lot of walls to fit his awards and accomplishments. Goldstein is a past present of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, has won their Lifetime Achievement Award and is one of the most recognized lawyers by the NORML, the National Organization for Repealing Marijuana Laws. And he’s colorful as all get out. Every few minutes, Goldstein will drop a line or a saying that’s part humility, part self-deprecation and part nugget of wisdom. Only a few minutes into the conversation and it’s obvious that he is a natural on the stage and in the well. So much so that time and time again he has been sought after to defend major figures in high profile criminal cases. Full disclosure — I know Gerry Goldstein. He is a friend, a mentor and a lawyer with whom I have worked on a case. This interview was like having a conversation with an old friend and we talked about a lot including: 1. His beginnings as a lawyer 2. His background as 60’s flower child/peacenik 3. Why he went to law school (a lawyer number was to him safer than a Vietnam Draft Number 4. His representation of the leader and prophet of First Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS); 5. His representation of politicians accused of crimes 6. His partner Cynthia Orr, also a past president of the NACDl 7. His representation of Hunter S Thompson, the irreverent author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and why he referred to Goldstein as the Maestro of Cross Examination 8. Wild wart stories 9. Who he’d like to cross examine the most 10. How his style differs from say Michael Tigar, whom Goldstein referred to as a mind on another level. Goldstein is self-deprecating and humble (when I introduce him he said, “thank you for those kind lies.” This is an incredible opportunity to hear from one of America’s great lawyers and trial lawyers, Gerald Goldstein. #truecrime #crossexamination #Goldstein
Jun 23, 2023
1 hr 1 min
Daniel Callahan has a bigger verdict than you, I promise.
Throughout his career, Daniel J. Callahan has always been known as one of the top trial attorneys in California. His notable jury verdicts included a $934,000,000 jury verdict obtained after a three-month jury trial in a complex business dispute entitled Beckman Coulter vs. Flextronics. This unanimous verdict was the largest in California in 2003 and remains the largest in Orange County history. Mr. Callahan also went on to obtain a $50,000,000 settlement in a road design case against the City of Dana Point. Exclusive of large class actions, this continues to be the largest personal injury settlement in United States history. Mr. Callahan also obtained, after a two-month jury trial, a $38 Million settlement on behalf of a class of newspaper delivery drivers against The Orange County Register. This is still the highest employment settlement in Orange County’s history. ************************************* About Neil Rockind - Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer. Neil Rockind is often considered a bet the farm/company type of lawyer, taking on cases where the stakes are “all in.” Neil Rockind appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events with other top lawyers around the country. Neil Rockind has won just about every award imaginable, has represented athletes, celebrities, musicians, posters and has obtained acquittals in all varieties of cases. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style. Neil Rockind: ************************************* Subscribe to Killer Cross Examination® Podcast APPLE: SPOTIFY: GOOGLE PODCASTS: AUDIBLE: ****************************************** Fair Use Doctrine The contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. To the extent the videos capture images or likenesses, we do not own the rights to those images, likenesses, etc and only use them pursuant to the fair use doctrine. All other rights are reserved. #crossexamination #BIGVerdicts #truecrime
May 24, 2023
1 hr 2 min
Vadim Glozman: Surviving And Thriving After The R Kelly Trial
Vadim Glozman is one of Chicago’s brightest and most trusted criminal defense lawyers. Despite the media frenzy surrounding the R Kelly case in Chicago, Illinois, Glozman chose to represent R Kelly’s manager, Derrel McDavid. Glozman won acquittals for McDavid on every count while the musician was convicted on many. Fresh off of his victory in court, Glozman shared his strategies, approaches, path to victory, style and more on the Killer Cross Examination® Podcast. Glozman joins other heavy hitting lawyers to share their careers and approaches to criminal and civil defense on the podcast. ************************************* About Neil Rockind - Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer. Neil Rockind is often considered a bet the farm/company type of lawyer, taking on cases where the stakes are “all in.” Neil Rockind appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events with other top lawyers around the country. Neil Rockind has won just about every award imaginable, has represented athletes, celebrities, musicians, posters and has obtained acquittals in all varieties of cases. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style. Fair Use Doctrine The contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. To the extent the videos capture images or likenesses, we do not own the rights to those images, likenesses, etc and only use them pursuant to the fair use doctrine. All other rights are reserved. #crossexamination #RKelly #VadimGlozman
Apr 17, 2023
59 min
Josh Ritter, LA Lawyer & True Crime Daily-Sidebar Host
Josh is a California criminal defense lawyer who is also the host of the True Crime Daily - Sidebar podcast. He worked closely with Alan Jackson on the Phil Spector / Lana Clarkson murder case while in the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Josh and I discussed various cases including the sovereign citizen defense put on by in pro per Darrel Brooks in the Wisconsin Christmas Parade Massacre, Camille Vasquez’s cross examination of Amber Heard in Depp v Heard and the conduct of the judge in the Nicholas Cruz sentencing phase towards Cruz’s lawyers. This is an incredible episode with an incredible talent. Josh Ritter joined me on the Killer Cross Examination Podcast. About Neil Rockind - Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer. Neil Rockind is often considered a bet the farm/company type of lawyer, taking on cases where the stakes are “all in.” Neil Rockind appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events with other top lawyers around the country. Neil Rockind has won just about every award imaginable, has represented athletes, celebrities, musicians, posters and has obtained acquittals in all varieties of cases. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style. Neil Rockind: ************************************* Josh Ritter: Https://www.personalinjurylawyerslosa... Https:// Https:// ************************************** ****************************************** Fair Use Doctrine The contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. To the extent the videos capture images or likenesses, we do not own the rights to those images, likenesses, etc and only use them pursuant to the fair use doctrine. All other rights are reserved. #crossexamination #truecrime #truecrimedaily
Feb 15, 2023
1 hr 10 min
Alex Jones Lawyer Norm Pattis Discusses Sandy Hook Billion Dollar Lawsuit
Norm Pattis is one of the most well known and recognized trial lawyers in Connecticut. Pattis is no stranger to controversy, having participated in the defense of at least one J6 defendant so it came as no surprise that he got involved in the defense of online provocateur and extremist Alex Jones in the Sandy Hook Defamation Trial in Connecticut.  Jones was found liable and ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars. Norm Pattis sparred with the Koskoff lawyers, Chris Mattie, the judge, a courtroom of victims and survivors and intense media coverage - not to mention having to manage Alex Jones as a client.  Norm Pattis joins me on the podcast to dissect the trial, the verdict, the judge, his strategy, the plaintiff’s lawyer and the media on the Killer Cross Examination® Podcast. ************************************* About Neil Rockind - Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer. Neil Rockind is often considered a bet the farm/company type of lawyer, taking on cases where the stakes are “all in.”  Neil Rockind appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events with other top lawyers around the country. Neil Rockind has won just about every award imaginable, has represented athletes, celebrities, musicians, posters and has obtained acquittals in all varieties of cases. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style.    Neil Rockind:  *************************************
Dec 6, 2022
1 hr 17 min
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