kids health 101 Podcast
kids health 101
Lynn Altieri-Need
Conventional trained medical doctor digs deeper to find root causes of illness. - episode of kids health 101 podcast

Conventional trained medical doctor digs deeper to find root causes of illness.

27 minutes Posted Feb 27, 2020 at 1:46 am.
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If you have experienced frustration with your conventionally trained medical doctor because there doesn't seem to be health improvements in your child, then you'll want to listen to this podcast.  I interview my friend and colleague, Dr. Jennie Walker who is a conventionally trained emergency room doctor who has acquired the training and certification as a Functional Medicine Doctor.

Functional medicine doctors look for root causes, sources of imbalances to support the body in a healing process in addition to identifying symptoms and medication.  Dr. Walker is one of thousands of trained medical doctors who explore root causes and have found their way into the functional medicine model by their own frustration.  Find out about how Dr. Walker has adjusted to this change in training, thinking and in practice.