kids health 101 Podcast
kids health 101
Lynn Altieri-Need
#2 How to find the root causes of childhood illnesses using F.D.N. - episode of kids health 101 podcast

#2 How to find the root causes of childhood illnesses using F.D.N.

44 minutes Posted Dec 29, 2019 at 1:09 am.
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Come join Reed and I as we discuss the functional diagnostic nutrition approach to helping kids recover from health issues.

Learn why Reed Davis, began practicing nutrition and “labs” with symptomatic individuals as far back as 20 years. He is a pioneer as a practitioner, paving the way for an emerging specialty in functional diagnostic nutrition that merges clinical nutrition and functional medicine.

Reed Davis founded F.D.N.,Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and has trained over 2,000 practitioners on how to practice with nutrition and labs.

In this interview :

learn why in F.D.N. we don’t ‘guess’ about systems, we ‘test’. learn why Reed believes that good health is a ‘birth right’ and the difference between symptoms and the importance of systems what we can do as practitioners and as a parents to ensure great health. Please listen to this podcast as Reed Davis shoots it straight and follow Kids Health 101 on iTunes.

Finding ways to heal our children,
