Kid Friday - apps, websites, gadgets, games, fun!
Kid Friday - apps, websites, gadgets, games, fun!
Kid Friday™ - "You're a Kid in a Digital World"℠
Show notes

Mattel and Google bring back the Viewmaster, video games, online games, Baldify app, Chompy, Monkey Quest, and a whole lot more.Special guest host: Conner.

You’re a Kid In A Digital World.WRITE TO US BY CLICKING HERE.Thanks for making Kid Friday the number one technology show for kids.We talk technology but always end up somewhere else.Kid Friday is hosted by 14 year-old Zoe, 16 year-old Hannah, Dave, and at times, Winston from PoochCam.comSubscribe:iTunes YouTubeKid Friday Is Brought to you by: StoryCub – It’s Storytime, Anytime.© 2015 All Rights Reserved. Kid Friday and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of iThink Group Inc.For personal use only. Any encoding, rebroadcast, retransmission, reproduction or distribution is strictly prohibited and protected by U.S. and international laws.