The Runcast with John Richards
The Runcast with John Richards
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Music That Matters, Vol. 518 - Midday Mix
1 hour 5 minutes Posted Jun 24, 2016 at 12:00 am.
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Cheryl Waters presents a mix of new songs that she's loving right now and hopes you will too!
1. Carter Tanton feat. Sharon Van Etten - twentynine Palms
2. Twin Peaks - Walk To The One You Love 
3. The Ghost Ease - Gemini Rise
4. Speedy Ortiz - Death Note
5. Thee Oh Sees - Plastic Plant
6. Aesop Rock - Rings
7. David Bazan - Both Hands
8. Erik Blood - Quiet
9. Goodbye Heart - Lives on Lives
10. Eagulls - Blume
11. Moderat - Reminder
12. Woods - Sun City Creeps
13. The Last Shadow Puppets - Aviation
14. PJ Harvey - The Wheel

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