Many of us think the only way our implants can make us sick is if they rupture... but the evidence is accumulating & the data is telling a different story. A story that's becoming all to familiar... experts ensure said product is safe, turns out said product is toxic af. After exhausting every potential possibility, hundreds of thousands of women are tracing their health issues to their breast implants. One look at the chemical ingredient list & it all makes sense. In this episode I share what I've learned researching BII, what my explant experience has been like & the things I am doing to support my body to heal the damage. If you are experiencing health issues & you have breast implants? You deserve this awareness & the opportunity to include it in your discernment. Please reach out & have this conversation with the women in your life who may benefit. As promised, here are the resources that I mention: https://youtu.be/Aw16LPVnNco | After Skool video illustrating Zach Bush, MD's discoveries around the relationship between toxicity & all disease (Zach is a triple board-certified physician, a dope soul & arguably one of the most intelligent minds on the frontier of health & medicine. https://explantorbust.com/bii-is-not-just-about-the-breast-implants/ Killer Breasts by Diane Kazer | https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08844519W&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_TSV2T9W934EF584TXREJ
Sep 3, 2022
1 hr

My triggers are not your shortcomings. My trauma responses are a reflection of me, not you. Some of the most incredible people we know, & some of the most fucked up people we know, usually have one thing in common: significant trauma. What determines whether a person is resilient enough to choose the incredible path? There are several answers to this, but a community of people who don’t bail when shit gets hard is at the top. Cancelling people for responding from unhealed trauma is anti-human & unproductive. Gently holding humans accountable & offering a safe space for them to process the trauma can make all the difference in the world. However, not making other peoples’ trauma responses about us takes practice, it’s an exercise in deep awareness. Instead of reacting to chaos with chaos, what if we started consciously responding & showing up for each other like this: "hey, I see that your nervous system is activated & this isn’t really about me. I understand if you need to run, but if you choose to stay, this is a safe space to process this feeling. You are safe, you are loved & if it feels good I’ll hold you & we can breathe through it together.” "Triggers” (nervous system activations) are information. They are an invitation to explore further or move through something, but in order to do that we have to regulate our nervous system. Triggers are our responsibility, not land mines for our loved ones to avoid. Trauma puts our brains on alert, constantly scanning our environment for signal that we are unsafe. Safety is something we experience in the body, when our nervous system is regulated. It’s not something we create in our minds. This is why limbic system therapies are so effective in healing trauma. Like safety, trauma is also experienced physically, in the body. Recognizing activation & regulating the physiological response creates a safe environment for our bodies to process our feelings… which is way better than the host of other options that unhealed versions of us choose. Autonomic nervous system regulation is paramount in maintaining mental & physical health. (This is what HRV measures, autonomic flexibility.) The dopest thing about it? You can learn how to do it for free. YOU are your own medicine.
Dec 17, 2021
1 hr 22 min

The media is increasingly (& irresponsibly) covering vaccine polarization, portraying people as either pro-vaxx or anti-vaxx... neglecting the entire nuanced range of perspectives in between. Sure, both of those factions exist. Vax lovers & vax haters are incredibly vocal; expressing equal amounts of premature certainty, waging very public strawman arguments & ad hom attacks against one another. These interactions dominate our social feeds, increasing our cortisol levels & manufacturing feelings of hopelessness. Leading us to believe that we either forfeit our questions & subscribe to one of the extreme tribes, or we accept our fate as pandemic orphans & continue our solo efforts to make sense of it all. Interestingly, actual people are telling a different story. A story of a silent majority without a voice, without a leader to advocate on their behalf. A story of sovereignty, unity, empathy & curiosity. A story that is being ignored, along with unprecedented displays of solidarity across the globe, in favor of polarization, fear, compromised data & propaganda. You don't divide people to lead them, you divide them to rule them. The supply-side of information is organized & riddled with agenda. The demand side is fractured & we are being misled. Don’t fall for it. Don’t believe the hype. 2/3 of Americans say they cannot express their beliefs for fear of offending others; but as the mania peaks, more of the silent majority are beginning to speak. Humans are deeply connected on a cellular level. It’s not a choice; it’s our quantum truth. We don’t abandon our kind. History has been dominated by the consequences of asymmetrical power & the agendas of a few. This is our time. Our beautiful & unique opportunity to unite over our values, claim our sovereignty, & curate an accountable, transparent, & reliable information ecology with which to inform our collective decisions. This is our time to create a world that people don't want to leave. We can do it #teamhuman, but we've got to connect with one another like never before. You cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it. A population, united by their values, cannot be ruled or deceived. Let's pledge our allegiance to humanity & course correct toward the infinite game. Game B. Let’s go.
Sep 3, 2021
51 min

What in the honest fuck is going on? The media cancelled the lab leak hypothesis, which turned out to be a bad idea & cost us a year of valuable research. Let's make up some ground. Instead of cancelling the doc that invented the vaccine Mrna technology & the dude who invented the pcr test... we propose hearing them out. In all seriousness, this message warrants immediate consideration. There are 3 phases of truth; first it is ridiculed, then it is vehemently denied, until finally, it is accepted as truth. In this episode we discuss: Urgent Information Iv3rm3ct!n Spike Protein rebellion Spike Protein Toxicity warning Vaccine Injuries & suppression Risk Benefit Ratio Underwriting Pharma is scary Chemtrails Anomalies in regulating this emergency use authorization VAERS is a piece of shit Cognitive Dissonance Magnetic People & magnetic hydrogel Compassion, even for Hillary Clinton The neurochemistry of belonging & tribalism Smart Meters & five jee Our bodies are electric before they are chemical… what does that mean? Electron mobility = health What the fuck are Morgellons? A canary in a coal mine Environmental Toxicity Freiburger Appeal Why asking your pharma-funded doctor if vaccines are safe is like asking Pablo Escobar if cocaine is safe Chemical approach vs physics approach to the body Biohacking How being honest with ourselves gives us a real shot at the infinite human game & lots more. Before you vaccinate your kids? Please give this a listen.
Jun 19, 2021
1 hr 3 min

This episode is about how to not get fucked on your mortgage & win real estate hunger games. A little deviation from our usual banter, but super relevant & just as entertaining. Brittany Black & Mary Collins, the Kismet OG's, join us to discuss all the things the mortgage industry doesn't tell you & how you can empower yourself in the home buying process. Owning real estate is one of the fastest & most effective ways to build wealth. You also need a place to live & paying someone else's mortgage sucks. We expose things like industry collusion, rampant inexperience & the way some lenders buy business from real estate agents with your money (without you even knowing... it's like a magic trick.) When it comes to interest rates, your lender choice has a far bigger impact than your credit score. Truth bombs, F bombs & more dope content to disrupt the lack of transparency in the industry & the shady, out-dated model under which it operates. If you're buying a house? You need to hear this. Here's the CFPB link we mention to compare rates: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/owning-a-home/explore-rates/
Mar 20, 2021
1 hr 1 min

We are hyper aware of other peoples' confirmation bias, but how often do we recognize our own? We've said this before, but what stands between our current sitch & a better world is a series of difficult conversations. Conversations that we don't seem to be capable of having given our current skill set. Maybe it's time to set our actual problems aside & start playing around with what it looks like to actually understand the people on the other side of the fence. "If there are large portions of the population that we can't explain why they think what they do, without making them seem bad or dumb? We should be dubious of our own sensemaking." - Daniel Schmachtenberger (Look him up & consume his content... you will not regret it.) There is signal in nearly all of the perspectives, across the board. Most of us are too busy doubling down on our own biases to recognize it across the aisle. We now live in a world of aisles & it's up to us to change that.
Feb 12, 2021
56 min

You're in luck team human... this episode is fire. Setting boundaries can suck because the people in our circles often suck at receiving them. If we're lucky, we have a handful of humans that can have those conversations. In our chat, Adrian schools me on relationships, which circles to place people in & what the fuck that means. She also breaks down the belief that we have unlimited energy & that everyone we know should have access to it. It turns out that's just bullshit conditioning & she offers up some powerful language to manage our energy exchanges in order to keep our cups filled. She brings awareness to the illusions we create & how they hold us back in life. This conversation was as saucy, vulnerable & dope as she is.... THANK YOU Adrian, for this generous contribution to the betterment of the collective. Lots of gratitude; totally worth getting tossed off the back of your e-bike. You can get in touch with Adrian at: Insta: @adrianellison Website: www.thealpasproject.com
Nov 24, 2020
1 hr 11 min

Jessi & Colter for President? What would a world with an intact information ecology look like? What about a world that incentivized truth, with leadership that acknowledged the concept of co-creation? We have entered an era where we no longer look at leaders as parents & we are starving for some fucking transparency. We seek to be sovereign beings, where any leadership in place works for us, not AT us. We're ready to embrace frontier science & experience an existence where corporations, institutions & agendas aren't making decisions on our behalf. If we are a collective consciousness, it's time we start acting like it. Because, we're collectively creating some pretty ridiculous shit. Truth has a vibration. In this episode we discuss the above, break down the debates a bit & highlight some of the information missing from the mainstream that you deserve to know about.
Nov 2, 2020
58 min

JSF delivering on our promise to bring you fringe experts saying hard things, with the Matthew McConaughey of chiropractic, Dr. Tommy John. (You can just call him TJ.) In a world of compromised experts, TJ is bucking the herd. Not your average Performance & Healing Specialist, he's passionate about igniting our fire to cultivate biological agency. Bringing you all the juicy info you won't hear from the mainstream, we get to the root of immune system optimization. TJ breaks down the failures & successes of allopathic medicine & the difference between chemical, physical & emotional stresses on the nervous system. His story is pretty rad. He's another example of how following your intuition leads to a life of gnosis & synchronicity. Tune in to learn tangible techniques to create the conditions our bodies & minds need to do what they are designed to.... fucking heal. Trade the agenda'd news cycle for this podcast & gain some dope utility. It's time to set some collective boundaries, because, superpowers. We love you Team Human & we want you to feel fucking amazing.
Oct 9, 2020
1 hr 33 min

Relationships are beautiful mirrors & containers for healing, but no one teaches us how the fuck to have them. Conscious relationshipping is a whole new experience, with elevated gifts, tools & challenges. When we hold the space for one another to be human & take radical accountability for how we show up... the evolution that takes place is nothing short of cosmic. The freedom to explore our own humanness is pretty fucking dope. The way we react to another person's behavior is an indication of our own level of consciousness. How they show up has nothing to do with us; how WE show up has everything to do with us. In this episode we discuss codependence, independence & interdependence. We also dissect premodern to postmodern perspectives & how all of this can lead to a healthier, interdependent collective.
Oct 3, 2020
58 min
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