Jocko Podcast
Jocko Podcast
Jocko DEFCOR Network
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46: Jeremiah “JP” Dinnell & Jocko Discuss War, Fighting, and Life
2 hour 41 minutes Posted Oct 26, 2016 at 7:57 am.
Opening 0:07:30 - JP Dinnell Intro 0:19:50 - BUDS 0:24:50 - Deployment 1:12:13 - Loss of a Team Mate 1:36:10 - Getting out of The Teams, MMA is a stress reliever. 1:52:12 - Relationship rough patch. 2:08:12 - Living in the Moment 2:18:10 - Internet, Onnit, JockoStore stuff 2:37:00 - ClosingSupport this podcast at —
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Show notes
0:00:00 - Opening 0:07:30 - JP Dinnell Intro 0:19:50 - BUDS 0:24:50 - Deployment 1:12:13 - Loss of a Team Mate 1:36:10 - Getting out of The Teams, MMA is a stress reliever. 1:52:12 - Relationship rough patch. 2:08:12 - Living in the Moment 2:18:10 - Internet, Onnit, JockoStore stuff 2:37:00 - ClosingSupport this podcast at —