Jesus the Game Changer: Hosted by Karl Faase Podcast
Jesus the Game Changer: Hosted by Karl Faase
Olive Tree Media
Dave Jensen - episode of Jesus the Game Changer: Hosted by Karl Faase podcast

Dave Jensen

39 minutes Posted Feb 6, 2023 at 2:55 am.
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Karl Faase interviewed Dave Jensen, a former Army Commander who came to the realisation that the things of this world, which he likens to salt water, will never be enough to satisfy. After becoming a father at 17 years old, Dave joined the army for income and lived a turbulent and destructive life for many years. Jesus broke into his heart in a remarkable way and turned Dave's path right around, showing Jesus truly is the way, the truth and the life. Dave's is a story that will resonate with so many and it's a privilege to share it with you.
You can watch an excerpt of this interview via YouTube:
For the full interview with Dave, Partner and Watch at