My mom is self employed and she massages people and she is her own boss and employee.
Jan 21, 2021
1 min

Always remember everyone has different opinions and you may not always agree but some may also agree but its ok if not.
Sep 7, 2020
2 min

Now not everything that makes me mad makes other people mad, some people may get mad by the things that get me mad and some may not.
Remember everyone is different and everyone has feelings,
Sep 7, 2020
1 min

This is me and my favorite food.
Remember everyone has different opinions and not everyone likes or feels the same way so not everyone may like what I like and it ok.
Sep 7, 2020
49 sec

i would want yall to know that everyone has different opinons on different things but the thing is if you have an opinion on something or someone and it isnt nice then you should just keep it to yourself.
Sep 4, 2020
3 min