Today isBe A Blessing DayLet’s Hug DayNational Peppermint Latte Day E-Discovery DayNational Roof-Over-Your-Head DayMake a Gift Day International Baboon DayNational Apple Pie DayNational Green Bean Casserole Dayand International Day of Persons with DisabilitiesSupport the show
Dec 3, 2023
32 sec

Today isBike Shop DayBusiness of Popping Corn Day Earmuff DayCoats and Toys for Kids Day International Day for the Abolition of SlaveryGlobal Fat Bike Day National Mutt Day National Fritters Day National Play Outside DayInternational Spirit of the Game Day Safety Razor Day Skywarn Recognition DayNational Rhubarb Vodka Day Special Education Dayand World Pear DaySupport the show
Dec 2, 2023
43 sec

Today isAntarctica DayEat a Red Apple Day Bartender Appreciation Day Basketball DayInternational Sweater Vestival Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day Civil Air Patrol DayNational Christmas Lights Day Data Innovation Day National cookie Cutter Day Day Without Art Day Faux Fur Friday National Fried Pie Day Meteorological Winter StartsNational Pie Day National Salesperson DayNational Peppermint Bark Day Playboy Day Rosa Parks DayWear a Dress Dayand World Aids DaySupport the show
Dec 1, 2023
56 sec
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