It's not just numbers Podcast

It's not just numbers

Adam Renouf
Some different perspectives around financial planning, life events and stuff....
Why not retire in paradise?
A chat with a mate, John Dempster, who with his wife and one of my business partners, Jenny, is planning on retiring to Bali.Yes there are always considerations around healthcare, accommodation, visas, work....but there is also considerations about lifestyle in retirement.For years many people in the USA have used Mexico, Guatemala, Panama etc as similar retirement destinations.  Now Australians are starting to consider SE Asia as genuine retirement destinations.I hope it creates some questions, enjoy.
May 17, 2022
44 min
There is always something to look at
A chat today with Kevin Bertoli (Co Portfolio manager at PM Capital).Very inciteful and informative conversation, also highlights how the PM Capital perspective may be different to their peers.I hope you find it interesting.The PM Capital Global Companies Fund (ARSN 092 434 618) (the Fund) is issued by PM Capital Limited (ABN 69 083 644 731, AFSL No. 230222) (PM Capital) in Australia and New Zealand only.  This recording does not contain and should not be taken as containing any financial product advice or financial product recommendations.  The recording does not take into consideration the objectives, financial situation or needs of any recipient.  Before making any decision relating to the Fund, you should obtain and read a copy of the product disclosure statement and target market determination available at, obtain financial advice, and consider the appropriateness of the Fund to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. All investments carry risk, and the repayment of capital and performance in the Fund is not guaranteed.  Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The content in this recording does not provide, and should not be relied on for accounting, legal or tax advice.  Opinions, estimates and projections contained in this recording reflect the opinions of the speaker as at the date of initial issue and are subject to change without notice. “Forward-looking” information, such as forecasts or projections, are not guarantees of any future performance and there is no assurance that any forecast or projection, or will be realised. All references to securities, sectors, regions and/or countries are made for illustrative purposes only and are not to be construed as recommendations.
Apr 27, 2022
48 min
Property Management Insight
A chat this week, with a long time friend and colleague David Woolfall from Woolfall and Stone, about many things property and property management related. has decades of property experience and has a different perspective about the how, where, when and why....this is why he runs such a good business.I hope you enjoy.
Apr 21, 2022
39 min
Cashless Kids
Educator – Speaker – Coach – Mentor – Author - Parent.......and a ripping bloke to match.A chat with Andy McNeilly, about many things, trying to unravel the world we live in.Cashless Kids and communication is probably the main take away.But, have a listen, you will come away feeling better about yourself, Andy is a ripper!I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
Apr 13, 2022
36 min
Private Equity Mate
An interesting chat with Claire Smith from Schroders, discussing Schroders Specialist Private Equity.For anyone looking at returns in a market where it is hard to get yield, this is an interesting conversation.A little more tech speak than normal.I hope you find it interesting.“Interests in the Schroder Specialist Private Equity Fund (ARSN 131 418 025) (the Fund) are issued by Schroder Investment Management Australia Limited (ABN 22 000 443 274, AFSL 226473) (Schroders).  This recording does not contain and should not be taken as containing any financial product advice or financial product recommendations.  The recording does not take into consideration any recipient’s objectives, financial situation or needs.  Before making any decision relating to the Fund, you should obtain and read a copy of the product disclosure statement and target market determination available at for that fund and consider the appropriateness of the Fund to your objectives, financial situation and needs. All investments carry risk, and the repayment of capital and performance in the Fund is not guaranteed by Schroders or any company in the Schroders Group.  The content contained in this recording is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for accounting, legal or tax advice.   Opinions, estimates and projections contained in this recording reflect the opinions of the speaker as at the date of initial issue and are subject to change without notice. “Forward-looking” information, such as forecasts or projections, are not guarantees of any future performance and there is no assurance that any forecast or projection will be realised. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. All references to securities, sectors, regions and/or countries are made for illustrative purposes only and are not to be construed as recommendations to buy, sell or hold.”
Apr 8, 2022
35 min
A chat with Boof
A chat with a Millennial, who just happens to be my son and an advisor in my practice. (James Renouf, aka Boof)Talking a bit of 'Tech Stock', there is a lot of noise in the market about BOOM , BUST and SPECULATION.It's just our thoughts, so get your own advice before you make any decisions.Enjoy!
Mar 23, 2022
32 min
Happy Gas
With petrol prices reaching record levels at the pump, people are discussing alternative options.So is Hydrogen an alternative?Is it the new black?Either way an interesting conversation with Ganesh from ETFS.I hope you enjoy.
Mar 17, 2022
29 min
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
its not just numbers....but some numbers are important!An interesting chat with Matt and Mel from Australian Unity.How do we get yield in an ever tightening market?So property is not all property....right?This and many other things, I hope you enjoy.Remember, this is general advice, please see your specialist to get specific advice about this or any other product.
Mar 7, 2022
48 min
Green Tech to Green Backs
A discussion with James Stewart from Ausbil regarding Tech, Battery Tech, Mineral Sands, EV and many other things.James' knowledge is fantastic and his ability for 'non tech speak' makes it a really easy conversation.I hope this one is thought provoking.Please like and share.
Feb 28, 2022
44 min
Horse Whisperer to Tech Guru
A serious, funny, diverse discussion with one of Australia's if not the world's most pre-eminent (my opinion, after all its my podcast) horse trainers, coaches and human beings.Discussing what many think is a hands on business, investigating business change and the delivery of your message.We didn't go off track too many times.I could have kept this one going for a lot longer.I hope you enjoy.
Feb 21, 2022
39 min
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