It's A Doggy Dog World - Dog Podcast about dogs as pets & caring for your pet dog, - Pets & Animals on Pet Life Radio (
It's A Doggy Dog World - Dog Podcast about dogs as pets & caring for your pet dog, - Pets & Animals on Pet Life Radio (
Liz Palika - It's A Doggy Dog World - Episode 79 Newly Adopted Dogs Need to Adjust
38 minutes Posted Jun 29, 2011 at 3:59 pm.
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Although some dogs, when adopted, adjust to their new home immediately; that's rare. Most dogs go through several stages of adjustment. It's important the new owners of these dogs understand what's going on so they can help the dogs fit in. In this podcast, Liz, Petra, and Kate talk about these stages, what's happening with the dog, and how the owners can assist the dog.