Intel Labs Podcast
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Research@Intel 2013: Data Society - episode of Intel Labs podcast

Research@Intel 2013: Data Society

1 seconds Posted Jun 26, 2013 at 7:54 am.
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Research@Intel 2013: “The Data Society is about big data, and how we can apply big data to our personal lives,” says Senior Tech Evangelist Sean Koehl. The Data Society is one of four zones on the exhibit floor in this year’s Research@Intel event. One example of how big data can help people is a project that shows the best route through a neighborhood to avoid pollution. Another project uses collected data to gauge the best gifts to give to other people. “We’re as always looking into computing technologies behind data,” Koehl confirms, “but we’re also looking at democratizing these capabilities and bringing what we’re doing in data analytics to everyone to make your life better.”