Inspired Money
Inspired Money
Andy Wang, Runnymede Capital Management
032: Generosity Can Positively Impact Your Life, Work, and Community | Wendy Steele
56 minutes Posted Mar 26, 2018 at 10:36 pm.
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We often hear that the act of giving is rewarding. Wendy Steele founder of Generosity Matters and Impact 100 explains why generosity is contagious and can impact your happiness, creativity, and health.

Guest Biography

Wendy Steele understands the impact of generosity and has been encouraging philanthropy for most of her adult life. In 2001, she launched and led an innovative pass-through foundation called Impact 100 which brings transformational grants to the communities it serves across five broad focus areas: Culture, Education, Environment, Family and Health & Wellness. Today, she continues to support, mentor and advise Impact 100 Chapters around the globe through her work with Impact 100 Global Advisory Council. Her Impact 100 Model has been replicated in many cities around the globe. By the end of 2017, Impact 100 organizations had given away more than $56 million to worthy non-profits and it continues to expand. In addition, Wendy is the founder/Chief Executive of Generosity Matters where she serves as a guide to introduce the power of generosity to organizations and families who are ready for the journey.

In 2014, Wendy was awarded the Jefferson Award for Public Service for her work with Impact 100. Considered the Nobel Prize for community service, this prestigious honor was founded in 1972 by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Senator Robert Taft, Jr. and Samuel Beard to recognize individuals across the nation who improve communities through their service.

Wendy’s work has been recognized in a number of local, regional and national media outlets including Fortune Small Business Magazine, People Magazine, USA Today, the CBS Evening News, Women’s Enterprise and others. Her work in philanthropy is also noted in several books including, The Transformative Power of Women’s Philanthropy; Women, Wealth and Giving; Women’s Giving Circles; and The Right Sisters – Modern Women Inventors. In February of 2015, PBS Television first aired the documentary entitled, Impact 100: Changing Lives, Strengthening Communities, which highlights the work of Impact 100 Pensacola Bay Area, the world’s largest Impact 100 organization.

Show notes:

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Tips to do soul searching if you're seeking your purpose.
  • Why generosity can make you healthier, better at your job, and lift communities.
  • Some suggestions for ways to teach and motivate kids to be generous.

Find more from our guest:

Generosity Matters:

Impact 100:

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Special thanks to Jim Kimo West for the music.