Inspire On The Go with Andrea Lennon Podcast

Inspire On The Go with Andrea Lennon

Arkansas Baptist State Convention
Welcome to Inspire on the Go with Andrea Lennon! Enjoy a podcast featuring Bible teaching, leadership development, and stories of transformation. This podcast is designed for women longing to grow in their faith as well as women serving in the local church.
Bible Study Girl - Katie Orr & Andrea Lennon
This episode of Inspire On The Go is a bit different.  In this episode, Andrea is in the interviewee seat as Katie Orr, creator of the FOCUSed15 Bible study method and the Bible Study Hub, chats with her about all things bible study, ministry, family and more!    To learn more about Katie, or the Bible Study Hub, click here.
Oct 11, 2021
35 min
Inspire Breakout: Pursuing a God's Sized Vision Pt. 2 - Lori McDaniel
In the last Inspire Conference Breakout episode, Lori finishes her message from the 2021 Inspire Women's Conference. She continues her discussion on what it takes to have a God-sized vision for your life and what it takes to embrace that! We thank you for tuning in each week to hear from our breakout leaders from this year's Inspire Women's Conference. We are so looking forward to next and what God has in store! Be sure to keep tuning in as we return to Andrea's regular scheduled shows every other Monday.  To watch the video version of this show, click here.  To watch the entire Inspire Conference, click here.
Sep 27, 2021
37 min
Inspire Breakout: Pursuing a God's Sized Vision Pt. 1 - Lori McDaniel
Our Inspire Breakout sessions are quickly coming to a close! This week we bring you part one of Lori McDaniel's message from the 2021 Inspire Women's Conference. In this episode, Lori begins to discuss what it takes to have a God-sized vision for your life and what it takes to embrace that! To watch the video version of this show, click here.  To watch the entire Inspire Conference, click here.
Sep 13, 2021
43 min
Inspire Breakouts: Women Of The Bible - Shari Edwards
Inspire Women's Conference is bringing the breakout sessions to the Inspire On The Go Podcast! In this episode, we hear from Shari Edwards! Edwards is no stranger to the On The Go Podcast. She's been on before with Andrea to impart her own wisdom and talk all things Inspire Conference, as she helps put it on every year! As an adjunct professor at Ouachita Baptist University, Edwards is here to share about a topic not all too familiar with most. We've heard about Ruth and Mary, but alongside those inspiring women are other women in the Bible that also prove that God uses women in the same amount as he uses men. She talks about how this alone should be inspiring and shared with the women, young and old, in our lives that no matter what, God can and still uses us even today.  Women in the Bible handout To connect with Shari, click here.
Aug 30, 2021
38 min
Going Beyond Live w/ Priscilla Shirer Preview Show - Andrea Lennon & The Hopecast feat. Brandy Cerny
In this episode, we're joined by Steve and Bethany from The Hopecast to talk about a very special event happening in September!  Going Beyond Live with Priscilla Shirer is coming to Simmons Bank Arena in North Little Rock on September 25! Brandy Cerny, Event Project Coordinator for LifeWay, shares all the details you'll need to know about what you can expect and what we hope God lays on your heart at this event. They also disclose the extra special reason for coming to the North Little Rock show is something you won't want to miss.  If you'd like to join us, click here to register today!  To sign up for You Lead, click here. To watch our video podcast version, click here.
Aug 16, 2021
23 min
Inspire Breakouts: Teach Me to Feel: How the Psalms Help Us in Our Greatest Joy and Deepest Valleys - Courtney Reissig
Inspire Women's Conference is bringing the breakout sessions to the Inspire On The Go Podcast! In this episode, we hear from Courtney Reissig. Courtney is a writer and Bible teacher from Little Rock, AR. She is a wife to Daniel, mom to four sons, and a member at Immanuel Baptist Church.  She dives into Psalms 1 and helps us understand how this psalms provide help and healing while giving us a big view of our God. These last 18 months have been hard on all of us. As we begin to process all that we've walked through, we can be comforted knowing that God has given us language for our overwhelming emotions in the greatest joys of life and the deepest valleys.  Courtney is also the author of three books, most recently Teach Me to Feel: Worshipping Through the Psalms in Every Season of Life.    Connect with Courtney here.
Aug 2, 2021
32 min
Inspire Breakouts: Finding God's Focus for Wives of Ministers - Cheryl Harp
We're back! Inspire Women's Conference is bringing the breakout sessions to the Inspire On The Go Podcast! In this episode, we hear from Cheryl Harp! She has a special word for those who, like herself, are wives of ministers. She talks about uncovering God’s desire and focus for our lives as you serve alongside your husbands, as well as serve your local church body. She also discusses how to deal with disappointments and distractions and turn our focus on God’s calling on your life as we share His love through the way you live!   Cheryl Harp is the Pastor's Wife at Lakeview Baptist Church in Cave Springs, AR. She considers that to be her great joy and calling on her life. She also serves women in the local church as the Women's Ministry Team Leader and serves as the NWA Women's Ministry Network Volunteer for the ABSC. She loves to dig into scripture and the opportunity to teach and disciple women. She is passionate, humbled, and grateful that God allows her to be a part of His awesome and great work. Arkansas Baptist Ministers Wives Private Facebook Group: AR Baptist Ministers’ Wives (SBC) Cheryl Harp: [email protected] Vickie Lee: [email protected] Arkansas Baptist Ministers Wives Website
Jul 19, 2021
30 min
Bonus Show: Navigate 2021 w/ Steve & Bethany of HopeCast and Clay Cunningham
We're taking a quick break from our Inspire Breakouts to bring you a bonus show! We haven't done this in a while.    Andrea sits down with Steve and Bethany of the HopeCast and Clay Cunningham, Associate Pastor of Family Ministery at FBC Benton, to talk about all things technology and your family. What apps should you be on the lookout for as "unsafe"? How much screen time is too much? and more! This conversation leads to the introduction of a new conference being held at FBC Benton in August! In partnership with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, Navigate 2021 is for parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, anyone who interacts with the Next Generation and wants to see them thrive in a world that is dominated by the negativity that comes with social media and media in general. For more information, or to register for Navigate 2021, click here.    If you'd like to watch the video form of this show, click here!
Jul 12, 2021
22 min
Inspire Breakouts: "To Be Continued..." Our Story for God's Glory - P.J. Yarbrough
Inspire Women's Conference is bringing the breakout sessions to the Inspire On The Go Podcast! In this episode, we get to hear from P.J. Yarbrough. Listen as she dives into scripture and shares her life story as inspiration to us that your story will always be used for God's glory.    Born in Russellville, after spending time in foster care and adoption, Shaneil grew up in Calion, Arkansas. She is affectionately known as “P.J.” (short for “Precious Jewel”). She is intentional about living life to its fullest and seeks out opportunities to help others realize their potential and excel! Her new book (published July 2018), an autobiography, “Born a Statistic: Living Rejected, Agreeing with God”, shows accessibility to resilience, transformation, God's grace, and unmerited favor! This insightful look into the author's life serves as a testament to how God's immeasurable love supersedes statistical data, rejection, and hesitation to trust His divine plan. For more information, visit A graduate of Southern Arkansas University, Yarbrough has a deep-rooted passion for children. She has dedicated nearly twenty years of her life working in several capacities: elementary school teacher, preschool administrator, advisor, coach, and professional development trainer. Her current employer is the University of Arkansas Early Care and Educations Projects (ECEP). As a Training Advisor, she assists in researching and writing professional development curricula, teaches ECEP courses to participants, and coaches early childhood professionals across Arkansas.  She is zealously involved in both her local church and the community. Currently, she serves as the President-Elect of the Arkansas Early Childhood Association (AECA) and volunteers as a mentor for young girls. Local youth named “P.J.” the 2018 Mentor of the Year. More recently, in 2019, she was named Community Leader of the Year by another local organization. Life brought P.J. “full circle” as she was formerly the Executive Director and Administrator of Agape House Children’s Home, Inc., a group foster home. Her hobbies include spending time with family, reading, writing, and thrift shopping for vintage clothing. “P.J.” has been married to her husband, Larry D., Sr., Pastor of Changing Lives Ministries, since 2000. They reside in El Dorado with their two sons, Larry D. Jr., “L.J.,” and Lance.
Jul 5, 2021
27 min
Inspire Breakouts: Reaching the unreached & unengaged in Arkansas - Jamie Naramore
Inspire Women's Conference is bringing the breakout sessions to the Inspire On The Go Podcast!   In this episode, we turn back to a conversation from 2019. At the ABSC annual meeting, Andrea talked to Jamie Naramore, the International Church Strategist at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, about the international population in Arkansas. He talks about what's being done to engage them with the Gospel and discusses ways you and I can get involved with furthering that mission right in our own backyards.
Jun 21, 2021
29 min
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