Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler
Michael Sandler, Jessica Lee
HOW TO LIVE LIFE FULLY ENGAGED!!! Tom Sterner | Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Self-Help | Inspire
1 hour 9 minutes Posted Nov 1, 2016 at 5:00 pm.
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If you’ve ever wanted to achieve great things, and enjoy the process along the way, then do we have the Fully Engaged Show for You!

Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author Thomas M. Sterner, accomplished musician and composer, and the best-selling author of The Practicing Mind, and his latest, Fully Engaged.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, how to use the Practicing Mind to accomplish our goals with ease and a sense of calm awareness.

That plus we’ll talk about butterfly brains, Laura Decker and sailing, a GPS gone awry, music theory class madness, the power of practicing golf, the little book that could, and an overnight success in only ten years flat, and why in the world you don’t want the stagehand to let the pianist in early!

Be Here Now (Mindfulness) Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include:

  1. What does attachment and practice have to do with our lives
  2. Why we need to stop clinging to the goal
  3. What the real purpose of a goal is
  4. How to find joy in the process
  5. How he took a leap of faith from professional musician to piano technician extraordinaire
  6. How he got into golf and what it had to do with sports psychology and eastern thought
  7. What’s the importance of being in the present moment
  8. What being in the present moment can do for us
  9. Why golf is such a zen sport
  10. What was the goal of writing The Practicing Mind
  11. What the spirit of music did for him
  12. What’s wrong with the way people practice?
  13. What is Thought Awareness Training?
  14. What is a butterfly brain?
  15. What is present mind functioning?
  16. What’s it mean to be more biased to the observer?
  17. What’s the importance of procedures for flying a plane
  18. What’s the concept of ‘sterile concept’ for a pilot
  19. What’s the importance of meditation (what he calls thought awareness training)
  20. How to understand you are not your thoughts and that you are the ‘observer’
  21. How to use meditation to observe your mind
  22. Why are people better at meditation than we think
  23. Why he’s not a big fan of guided meditations
  24. What are perfect opportunities to practice
  25. Why ‘mistakes’ get a bad wrap
  26. Why we want to risk making mistakes
  27. What was a music class gone bad?
  28. What’s the importance of the question ‘and then what’?
  29. What did he learn from Laura Decker in her sailing around the world in her teens (made a movie on her – Maiden Voyage)
  30. What was learned from the process of his mother passing away
  31. What did he learn from his mom about love?
  32. What’s the importance of non-judgment to yourself
  33. How can we help parents to help their kids become fully engaged
  34. to find Fully Engaged, also, and email

Tom Sterner on How to Achieve Goals, Find Happiness & Be in the Here & Now, Plus Mindfulness & Meditation! Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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