Every experience is relevant and worth your attention, for it is showing you what you’ve been making yourself feel—showing you what you might want to reinforce and what you might want to redirect. You can change anything in the mirror of the world, as long as you change it in yourself first.
Apr 29, 2021
4 min

Prioritizing your own feeling good is the only unselfish thing to do. It eliminates expectation, disappointment, and more, and it guarantees better feelings!
Apr 28, 2021
2 min

One small, comfortable, believably achievable step at a time in the right direction can get you to the top of the highest mountain, and it can likewise make it possible for you to achieve any goal you wish to achieve. www.inspirationallifeguidance.com
Apr 27, 2021
1 min

We might think we need bad to come with any good we experience. But we only need bad if this is all that motivates us to do things and to move forward. If we are motivated forward toward more good even when things are good, would we need “bad” at all?
Apr 26, 2021
2 min

The Ultimate Secret to creating your ideal life, in a poem.
Read this poem on Medium at https://medium.com/@jonathanrwachtel/your-life-is-a-blank-page-e9ef667fa1e1
Jun 8, 2020
2 min