Inside CX Podcast

Inside CX

Intrado Customer Experience
From contact center best practices to virtual agents to data security, there’s so much to consider when it comes to creating an exceptional customer experience (CX). But how do you know what CX solutions are effective and which ones are just a distraction? That’s what this series is all about. This is the detailed, focused and actionable library of CX content you've been looking for. This is Inside CX.
Outcomes of Automatic Testing and AI Customer Experience
When someone mentions artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML), it can be difficult to tell if they’re really talking about a grand new technology or just using impressive buzz words. But in the case of automatic testing and improving customer experience, AI brings real, tangible benefits.Brian Mann is the director of operations and strategy at Intrado, where he leads data science, business intelligence reporting and data engineering practices for our CX commercial data services group.In this episode, Brian explains the outcomes of using automatic testing and AI customer experience solutions to benefit both customers and businesses.
Jul 10, 2020
9 min
Beyond Chatbots: How to Apply Conversational AI to Any CX Channel
Business leaders who always strive to improve customer experience already know about artificially intelligent chatbots. But bots aren’t the only solutions that make use of conversational AI. In fact, you can use conversational AI to improve CX in any communication channel.Liz Mehuron is a leader in design strategy at Intrado. As a senior user experience design supervisor today, she uses her extensive background in experience design to coach and mentor Intrado designers.In this episode, Liz describes our design process to reveal not only how to implement conversational AI but ensure it remains effective in the years ahead.
Jun 26, 2020
12 min
7 Benefits of Using AI in Conversational Experience Design
Many customers today still try to bypass self-service options, like an IVR, as quickly as possible. They immediately press “0” or ask for a representative, but using AI and conversational experience design (also known as conversation design) makes the self-service experience more enjoyable and successful.Patrick Lindner is a trusted CX professional. He specializes in conversational experience design and provides direction, user research and strategic leadership for the Intrado professional services user experience team.In this episode, Patrick defines conversational experience design and shares the top benefits of implementing it for your business.
Jun 12, 2020
15 min
How Customer Experience Management Gives You a Competitive Advantage
Everyone is looking for an edge over their competitors, and customer experience management may be the best way to gain a competitive advantage. Studies have shown that customer experience is surpassing price and product as the most important factor for customers, so providing an exceptional experience is a smart way to stand out from the crowd.Peter is the vice president of the Intrado CX portfolio, and he is fortunate to lead an amazing team of professionals who are focused on developing strategies and solutions that elevate customer experience outcomes for our clients.In this episode, Peter discusses the benefits of great customer experiences and shares our strategy of using multiple solutions to transform the way companies engage with their customers.
May 29, 2020
9 min
How to ID and Verify Customers: Best Practices for Automatic Identification
Resolving customer issues as efficiently as possible is a goal for any contact center. So what if you knew exactly who a caller was and their intentions before they said a word? That's why you should verify customers with automatic identification.Corey Erkes is a part of the account management team here at Intrado. He manages about 300 million calls per year for some of North America's top brands.In this episode, Corey describes what automatic identification looks like in the customer experience space and shares some best practices to get started.
May 15, 2020
7 min
IVR Trends to Watch in 2020
IVR, or interactive voice response, has been around for a long time, but these popular solutions have changed a lot in recent years to the point that some IVRs are more like intelligent digital assistants today.Graeme Dean is a solution specialist here at Intrado. He's been in the business for over 30 years and has extensive experience in the marriage of IVR and contact center solutions.In this episode, Graeme takes us through a discussion on how IVR has changed and how it's going to continue to change in the years ahead.
May 1, 2020
12 min
Customer Service Bots: What Are They and How Should You Use Them?
Discussion about bots is everywhere. Some describe bots as the next best customer care solution, while some spread fear about displaced workers and robotic conversations. But customer service bots are already in wide use today, and they simplify interactions for millions of consumers every day.Tim Wurth is the senior product manager at Intrado. He's followed the customer service bot market for years and has guided development of our own bot solutions.In this episode, Tim attempts to demystify what bots are. He also shows how they’ve been used in the past, how consumers use them, how businesses use them and why customer service bots aren’t as intimidating as many people think.
Apr 17, 2020
12 min
RCS Will Replace SMS: What's That Mean for Customer Texting?
Not every piece of new customer experience (CX) technology has the potential to completely replace a tool most of us use every day. Yet that's what's possible with rich communication services (RCS), the customer texting solution that could replace SMS and MMS for good.Brian Bremer is a sales solution specialist who has been preparing for the launch of RCS over the last two years.In this episode, Brian explains the history of RCS, how it differs from SMS and other customer texting solutions and how companies can best make use of this exciting new technology.
Apr 3, 2020
11 min
How to Assess New CX Tech and Predict Effect on Customer and Agent Experience
Just as soon as technology changes, customer expectations change, too. So every once in a while, you need to assess the experience you’re providing your customers.Dave Scheet runs these kinds of assessments for all types of businesses.In this episode, he shares the steps we take before adding a new feature to a contact center, which gives you the best chance of predicting its effect on both the customer and agent experience.
Mar 20, 2020
10 min
Medication Adherence: The Role of Pharmacy, Insurance and Healthcare
When it comes to keeping people healthy, there are a lot of different people and factors that have to work together, including doctors, pharmacists and insurance companies.Andrea Greco helps manage communication solutions for all three of these health-related industries.In this episode, she explains why medication adherence isn’t just the pharmacy’s responsibility. Each one of these groups plays a unique role in ensuring our country stays healthy.
Mar 6, 2020
9 min
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