Initial Coin Opinions Podcast

Initial Coin Opinions

Initial Coin Opinions is your weekly download on the state of ICOs and the potential for companies to raise capital in this new ecosystem. In this podcast, StartEngine CEO Howard Marks, invites industry experts and disruptors to discuss the latest and breaking developments in the ICO and Crypto Marketplace. Initial Coin Opinions is broadcast live each Thursday at 10:30 am PST, to participate in the live broadcast simply RSVP for next week’s broadcast by visiting
#12  How Can We Democratize Access to Capital?
This week on Initial Coin Opinions, Expert Dojo's CEO Brian Mac Mahon provides insight on the JOBS Act, bringing ICOs out of the shadows, and how VCs may be restricting the general public's access to liquidity.
Jul 23, 2018
45 min
#11 How is blockchain's growth comparable to the Internet?
This week on Initial Coin Opinions, Howard sits down with digital asset manager Joey Krug. Joey is the co-founder of Augur, a decentralized predictions market platform. Inspired by Bitcoin, his open-source platform could be the catalyst that turns Ethereum into a consumer technology. Tune in to hear Howard and Joey discuss their thoughts on the direction of Blockchain's evolution.
Jul 16, 2018
45 min
#10 Solving Smart Contract Disputes (feat. Amy Wan)
In this episode, Howard is joined by Amy Wan, founder and CEO of SageWise, a dispute resolution infrastructure for smart contracts. Tune in to listen to the two discuss the issues with EOS governance and how smart contracts will impact the legal industry over the next five years.
Jul 2, 2018
45 min
#9 What Law Firms Look for in ICO’s (featuring DLA Piper’s Perrie Weiner)
In this week’s episode, Howard Marks is joined by Perrie Weiner, partner at the Los Angeles office of DLA Piper, one of the largest law firms in the country. Join Howard and Perrie as they discuss the SEC’s stance on ETH, how the SEC is handing ICO’s, and how DLA Piper has dealt with cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Hear Perrie’s thoughts on what actions the SEC and FINRA will take against ICOs and his advice for companies doing an ICO.
Jun 25, 2018
42 min
#8 Is the Price Right? (featuring UCLA’s Alex Nascimento)
In this week’s episode, StartEngine’s Kinsey Cronin, Director of Business Development, is joined by Alex Nascimento, UCLA professor and Chief Marketing Strategist at 7CCInvest. Join Kinsey and Alex as they discuss the Tezos backlash as well as the Bitfinex and Tether controversy and what Bitcoin’s price manipulation means for exchanges.
Jun 18, 2018
31 min
#7 Is Ripple a Security? (Featuring Crowell & Moring's Jenny Cieplak and Dainia Jabaji)
Howard Marks is joined by Jenny Cieplak and Dainia Jabaji, from Crowell & Moring. Together the three discuss the latest movement from the SEC, Coinbase's ATS announcement, and just what Coinlist was thinking with their latest move: a $35M airdrop.
Jun 13, 2018
52 min
#6 Where is ICO Regulation Heading? Featuring Venable LLP’s Chris O’Brien & Matt Alsip
In this week’s episode StartEngine’s Kinsey Cronin, Director of Business Development, discusses where ICO Regulation is heading with special guests Chris O’Brein & Matt Alsip, respectively Partner and Counsel at Venable LLP. The discussion takes a deep dive into what defines regulation, the definition of a security, the difference between and utility and non security token, recent updates in SEC enforcement.
Jun 5, 2018
59 min
#5 Operation Crypto Sweep featuring Legal Alliance's Jeff Marks
In this week’s episode, Howard Marks is joined by guest Jeff Marks, Partner at Legal Alliance. Howard and Jeff discuss Operation Crypto Sweep, how to legally expand blockchain communities, and alternative trading systems.
May 28, 2018
40 min
#4 Blockchain in the Music Industry & Howey Coins Featuring FisherBroyle’s Marc Boiron
In this week’s episode, Howard Marks is joined by guest Marc Boiron, Partner at FisherBroyles LLP. Howard and Marc begin the episode by discussing the SEC’s fake ICO offering website of Howey Coins. In addition, they dive into how blockchain could revolutionize the music industry by utilizing smart contracts, ledgers and connecting artists directly to their fans.
May 21, 2018
52 min
#3 What’s next for Ripple? Featuring CLI’s Marty Tate
In this week’s episode, Howard Marks is joined by guest Marty Tate, Partner at Carman Lehnof Israelsen LLP. Howard and Marty discuss Ripple’s XRP, the third-largest coin by market cap. Join Howard and Marty as they take a deep look into whether Ripple will be deemed a security by the courts and what this means for Ripple and other coins’ futures.
May 18, 2018
38 min
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