Infertility Sisters Podcast

Infertility Sisters

Join me as I navigate my way through trying to conceive. I share my story, other's stories, interview experts and bring you on the journey of what it's really like dealing with infertility. I am right here with you! 
S4 E13. Hannah's Story! Unexplained Infertility, Ovulation Induction, IUI, IVF, 3 years TTC
Welcome back to this weeks episode! Tune in today to hear Hannah talk us though her 3-year TTC journey.Her story involves; Seeking help after 10 months TTCThe emotions of months of negative pregnancy tests Referred to Fertility Associates Unexplained Infertility diagnosis Ovulation Induction using Leterezole IUIDeveloping anxiety Leaving her job IVFBeing approached for a possible adoption It has been a pleasure getting to know Hannah, her positive outlook through the roughest times is something I admire.  If you want to keep up with her journey you can follow her on Instagram @hgasprivate. Thanks for listening! 
Jul 26, 2023
1 hr 6 min
S4 E12. Evie's Story! Unexplained Infertility, Multiple Miscarriages, Ovulation Induction, IUI, IVF, FIIX Study
Evie is here this week to share her story of navigating trying to conceive over a seven year period.Her story involves;The joy of getting pregnant quickly The turmoil of that pregnancy ending in a missed miscarriage A long period of TTCSecond pregnancy resulting in miscarriage Self referring to Fertility AssociatesDiagnosis of unexplained infertility Ovulation InductionIUIHer husband getting diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Spontaneous pregnancy resulting in their first child Chemical pregnancy 6 months postpartum FIIX StudyIVFUnsuccessful fresh transfer Spontaneous pregnancy resulting in their second childEvie's story is one of heartbreak but also one of hope. I know it's not always easy hearing stories of success however I do think it is important that we let ourselves hear these stories to keep our hope alive. Thanks for listening! 
Jul 11, 2023
45 min
S4 E11. Let's Talk - Adenomyosis with Dr Amelia Ryan
Today I am joined by Dr Amelia Ryan who has kindly offered us her time to help spread the word on Adenomyosis. Amelia is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist currently working at the Fertility Associates Auckland office. This episode covers; What is AdenomyosisWhat are the symptoms What are the ways to get diagnosedManagement options - Is there a cure?How Adeno can impact fertility The connection between miscarriage and adenoAmelia is an amazing doctor and is someone who aligns so well with the Podcast. Her ethos for treating patients is amazing, she really is the gold standard for what care we should receive. It was a privilege to have her on today and please let me know if there are any other topics you would like us to cover with Amelia!
Jul 4, 2023
21 min
S4 E10. Maddie's Story! Ulcerative Colitis, Amenorrhea, PCOS, OI, Multiple Rounds of IVF, Egg Donor Recommendation
Well, as you can see by the title of Today's episode, Maddie has been faced with many challenges on her Fertility Journey. Maddie shares her journey with us, that has spanned over the last 4 years.Her story invovles; Ulcerative Colitis resulting in Colon removal Loss of period Referral to Fertility AssociatesPCOSHyperthelic Amenorrhea Public funded fertility treatment Ovulation Induction (leterezole)3 rounds of IVF One day 3 transfer No embryos making it to day 5 Recommendation to use an egg donor Moving to Australia completing 2 further rounds of IVF thereDecision to stop further IVF treatments Egg Donor options Where they are nowMaddie has had a really hard time finding people who have been down a similar road to her so if her story resonates with you, please reach out to me via Instagram or email and I can put you in touch. Mentioned in this episode;@thedietloigist@twolinesfertility Thanks for listening! 
Jun 27, 2023
1 hr 13 min
S4 E9. Trying to Conceive 101 (re-release)
**Episode Re-Release**So you want to conceive a baby… now what?! We wanted to put this episode together to talk through the basics of trying to conceive. In this episode we cover:What preparation to do before trying to conceive Menstrual cycle 101How to know when you’re fertile & when to time sexThe two week waitWhen to seek help
Jun 20, 2023
39 min
S4 E8. Fertility Nutrition with Jessica from Wellness By Jessica
Today I am joined by the wonderful Jessica, a Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist. Jess has dedicated her career to helping people to get pregnant. This episode discusses; Endocrine Disruptors Diet and eating habits for optimal egg health Her stance on weight when TTC Supplements for egg health Key nutrients for Sperm health The worst habits for egg and sperm health What you can do during Fertility Treatment to support success How to support Progesterone production How important is this all, really?How to work with Jessica Jessica is a wealth of knowledge and this is such a great, down to earth conversation.  There is plenty of information for you to learn from but we also have some real chat about how hard this all can be. Thanks for listening! Here is the link to the blog mentioned in this episode;
Jun 13, 2023
46 min
S4 E7. Jasmyn's Husband, Corey! A Male Perspective of Infertility
Today I bring you the episode that I thought would never happen! Over the last 18 months you have often heard from me, talking you through our journey from my perspective. Well now you get to hear from the other half, and his perspective on what these last 3 years have been like for him. Today's episode discusses; The early days of TTC The process of getting a sperm test & the results Meeting with the Fertility clinic The impact of our miscarriage His thoughts and feeling on IVFWhat steps he has taken to improve his sperm health Looking after his mental health The impact on his friendships Counselling Where he is now, 3 years into the journey I just cant express how proud I am of Corey for sharing with us today. This was in no way easy or comfortable for him but I just know the impact his honesty will have and it will only be positive. Thanks for listening! 
Jun 6, 2023
1 hr 13 min
S4 E6. Let's Talk - PCOS with Dr Amelia Ryan
Today we welcome back Dr Amelia Ryan to share her wisdom with us. This episode discusses all things PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).This episode covers;What is PCOSHow to get diagnosed What is PCOThe part that insulin play in the body How PCOS can impact Fertility Medical management of PCOSFertility Treatment options Lifestyle recommendations to manage PCOSAmelia is an amazing doctor and is someone who aligns so well with the Podcast. Her ethos for treating patients is amazing, she really is the gold standard for what care we should receive. It was a privilege to have her on today and keep your ears peeled for more episodes with her to come this Season!
May 30, 2023
34 min
S4 E5. Jenna's Story - 7 Year Journey, Adenomyosis, IVF, Miscarriage & Medical Menopause (Zoladex)
Tune in to today's episode to hear from listener of the show, Jenna. She talks us through the last 7 years of heartbreak as well as taking us right back through her extensive medical history which has played a part in where she is today. Her story discusses;Reproductive health concerns from a young ageSurgeries which found Cysts, Adhesions and EndometriosisLow AMH2 Round of IVF5 Embryo TransfersThe part her faith plays in her journeyMiscarriage  Being advised to have a hysterectomy A year break from treatment Medical Menopause using Goserelin (Zoladex)Cycle never returning Advised from Doctor using Donor is only way forward Jenna was very honest with us around some of the darker moments in this journey and I believe you will resonate with her a lot, especially in those hard, disappointing moments this journey comes with. 
May 23, 2023
1 hr 32 min
S4 E4. Let's Talk - Endometriosis with Dr Amelia Ryan
Today I am joined by Dr Amelia Ryan who has kindly offered us her time to help spread the word on Endometriosis. Amelia is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist currently working at the Fertility Associates Auckland office. This episode covers; What is EndometriosisWhat are the symptoms What are the ways to get diagnosedManagement options How endo can impact fertility How can endo surgery temporarily improve your fertility Endometrioma's, what are they and how do they treat themDoes Endo impact egg quality How to manage Endo holistically Amelia is an amazing doctor and is someone who aligns so well with the Podcast. Her ethos for treating patients is amazing, she really is the gold standard for what care we should receive. It was a privilege to have her on today and keep your ears peeled for more episodes with her to come this Season!
May 16, 2023
46 min
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