Industry Pulse with pwn - A Video Game Industry Podcast Podcast
Industry Pulse with pwn - A Video Game Industry Podcast
Trinity Force Network
Episode 03 - "RoughRaptors (Trion Worlds, Rift)" - episode of Industry Pulse with pwn - A Video Game Industry Podcast podcast

Episode 03 - "RoughRaptors (Trion Worlds, Rift)"

39 minutes Posted Feb 20, 2020 at 8:53 pm.
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Ryan (RoughRaptors) comes on the show to discuss his time with the game Rift. He went from being a world first, world class, all around best tank in the game to a Developer! He helped to shape the world you played in but eventually moved on to bigger and better projects. Join along for the ride as you learn how you can go from obsessed gamer to great video game developer! 


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