Our apologies for the tardiness of this post and the complete lack of a video to accompany it.
I’ve recently run into computer issues so, for now, you’ll only be getting the audio portion of the show. I’ve got all the video stuff saved and ready to go, it’s just going to have to wait for now. We talk about the issues in this episode and, honestly, it has dominated my thoughts over the last few days.
That’s mainly because I can’t really do anything with my PC outside of maybe browsing a tab or two on google and some work related things. Gaming is, sadly, off the table for now. I’ll know in a few days when the replacement gets here but it seems to involve the CPU cooler. It’s an AIO and I hope to have more info to you by the time the next episode comes around – it’s a whole process with RMA and what not.
In the meantime, I got to spend a very short amount of time with some Steam Next Fest demos. And now I get to really put in some work on the steam deck and the consoles given they’re the only way I can game on anything currently. Hell, I’m even writing this on a laptop so I can spend as little time as possible with my main PC on and running.
Yes. It has gotten that bad.
Oh well, the waiting never ends.
Speaking of waiting, and waiting, and waiting…Ubisoft, it’s been 3,808 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.