Impulse Chats with Sarah Barnes Podcast

Impulse Chats with Sarah Barnes

Sarah Barnes
Listen, learn, evolve. EXPECT honest interviews with inspiring humans. Sarah chats UNEDITED with expert guests - covering subjects including sustainability, sex, spirituality, career advice, plant-based living, slow fashion and more. Connect with Sarah @impulseyoga_
Epigenetics & the Danger of Following Trends
ABOUT @ErinKyna ::  Erin  Kyna  is  a globally-recognized transformational  teacher, leader, healer, yogi and  certified  life  coach  hailing  from Australia.  Her  soul  focus  is  helping  others  turn  fear  into  freedom through love and empowerment.  On her world travels, she has collected tools,  mentoring, techniques, and modalities from spiritual leaders  to modern scientists,  combining to serve with a full spectrum of life-changing self-empowerment tools and wisdom. Erin  has  studied  under  a  high  calibre  of  wellness leaders including Dr Joe Dispenza, Matt Riemann, and Brendon Burchard.  Using  their  expert  mentorship,  Erin  is  passionate  about  sharing  her learnings  from  the  fields  of  meditation,  yoga,  Reiki,  Personalized Health, and life coaching to help others overcome obstacles and discover their purpose. As a yoga teacher, Erin trained and taught at the Australian Yoga Academy, one of Australia’s largest and most respected teaching schools.  She was thrilled to receive the honour of being lululemon's first meditation ambassador in Australia. . Connect with Sarah Barnes @impulseyoga_ WATCH THE FULL VIDEO HERE . CONNECT with Erin::  [email protected]  ig:erinkyna  fb: Erin Kyna
Dec 1, 2020
1 hr 8 min
Authenticity & Powerful Advice for Sharing Online with Ella Trotter
🎙DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE. Read below for more info about @yogawithella_ or head to youtube to watch the UNEDITED video with subtitles. . Connect with Sarah Barnes @impulseyoga_ Ella’s spiritual path started at an early age in New Zealand where she was introduced into many styles of yoga to compliment a busy working lifestyle. Her worldly curiosity and desire to learn different ways of being led her on an exploration, travelling, volunteering, and living in Holistic and spiritual communities around the world. She studied Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga in India, and Therapeutic Yoga in Bali, but really sees every day experiences, human interaction and connection as the greatest teacher of all. Ella has been teaching mindful movement all around the world, studying and practicing, and has now settled in Bali to run Yoga Teacher Trainings and Yoga Retreats. . Ella believes that it's her creative and positive outlook that is her gift to the world and she is here to lead by example on the path to a most fulfilling and adventurous life. . Connect with Ella: @yogawithella_ @yogateachertrainingbali
Nov 22, 2020
53 min
Farming our Future? With the Prince of Permaculture @jacks_patch
🎙DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE and drop a comment if this resonates! Read below for more info...or head to youtube to watch the UNEDITED video with subtitles!  . Connect with Sarah Barnes:: @impulseyoga_ VIDEO : . This episode with Urban farmer @jacks_patch is heaving with inspiring stories from Jacks life, tips for home growing (explaining the power of NO-DIG) and an introduction to permaculture! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 About Jack:: “urban farmer from London// I run a No-Dig, Permaculture Market Garden selling the freshest produce to chefs and locals in a local veg box scheme. 🌱 My focus is to show people how to grow nutrient dense food wether you have a garden or your in a flat in the middle of London. 🌱 We all have the capacity to do our bit and my job is to show you how. Healthy soil, healthy plant, healthy you!” . Connect with him on IG @jacks_patch . For more info and links send Sarah a message!
Nov 22, 2020
58 min
Leadership, Surrender & Sacred Sexuality with Chantelle Raven
Dont forget to subscribe and review!  You might notice this podcast cuts short at the end, unfortunately the internet fairies where up to no good!  But never the less this was an INCREDIBLE interview!   Connect with Sarah @impulseyoga_ and watch the episode here . Chantelle Raven has been facilitating workshops and retreats in the field of spirituality and Tantra for almost 20 years.  A former teacher of personal development in the new age tradition, she has spent these last 2 decades delving deeply into meditation, self-inquiry, EFT (emotional freedom technique), somatic therapy, shamanism, psychology, philosophy and all things Tantra. . The creator of The Embodied Awakening Academy, Raven is an accomplished Teacher and Practitioner whose style is pragmatic, comprehensive and enlivening, yet down-to-earth.  She is widely respected for her capacity to bring people into their bodies and to help students work with their direct human-experience as a framework for practical life-change.. Connect with her @_chantelleraven @embodiedawakeningacademy
Nov 22, 2020
38 min
The Problem with Spiritual Wokeness? With Richard Ayling
Dont forget to follow, review, rate and subscribe! Connect with Sarah @impulseyoga_ and watch the video here . About Rich:: Richard Ayling is a transformational coach, author and global voice for meaningful connection and self-discovery. After overcoming an autoimmune disease, creating a life of freedom and building a thriving business, his mission is to help professionals searching for more through their own transformation – to create a life of meaning and impact through his Re-Align Design coaching program. He teaches self-awareness practices for mindfulness and wellbeing both on and offline. As one of the first instructors to be trained by Wim Hof and a certified Hatha Yoga teacher, he has created Breathe into Flow, an online program designed to use the breath to access various states of mind and embodiment, balance, insight and connection. . Contact Rich: website - . In our conversation we mention @parayoga thanks for listening! x
Nov 22, 2020
38 min
How to QUIT FAST FASHION? with Carley Lake
Dont forget to subscribe or follow for more interviews! Connect with Sarah Barnes on IG @impulseyoga_ Watch the video on Youtube here 😍About Carley aka @thoughtfulflamingo :: “I’m Carley, a former fast fashion addict, California-native, Amsterdam resident, social impact and safety doer + marketer, and have been told I have the style of  a “grandma mixed with a middle schooler on her first day of school.” I recently left my role leading global safety brand marketing at Uber and am currently building out a platform to empower people to build, join, and foster online groups for swapping (more to come on this!). It's a scary time to make a big change but I am excited to keep going!  I’m also the founder and editor of the sustainable fashion site, named one of Eluxe Magazine’s 11 eco-friendly blogs to follow. My goal is to show when we quit fast fashion, re-wear (and repair!) our clothes, and invest in pieces we love we discover our true style, save money, and stop the waste. . On you can also find the new Fast Fashion Be Gone App 📱 to easily see alternatives to fast fashion brands that fit your style and needs. The app shows the ethical brand designers, secondhand platforms, and rental services that have similar styles and looks to common mall stores. In addition, you can also sort by categories like swimwear and activewear and save brands to your favorites list to check later….you know, when you get the urge to online shop or find yourself walking past a Forever 21. Resist and check in with the app. . 🌟Carley launched Isthmus App, a better way to buy, sell, and trade with your communities. Join the waitlist here:
Nov 22, 2020
41 min
The Power of Regeneration with Holly Rose
In this episode Holly Rose AKA explains the difference between sustainability and REGENERATION.  She dives into Intersectional Environmentalism, soil advocation, earth activism and the CIRCULAR ECONOMY model..Dont forget to subscribe! You can watch this interview on Youtube here with Sarah Barnes @impulseyoga_ .About :Holly is a regenerative soil advocate, intersectional environmentalist, and GREEN political activist born and raised in the prairies (Treaty 1 territory, the ancestral and traditional homeland of Anishinaabe peoples), and currently dwelling on the south east shores of England. . On her instagram page and blog, Holly weaves together tales of regeneration as they relate to the troubles of the modern world. Each piece holistically marries traditional #ecological knowledge, sacred ecology, and scientific restoration, enhancing nature relatedness and encouraging relationship of reciprocity with all living beings..Holly believes that by amplifying education on regeneration, promoting soil-to-soil tales of provenance, and prioritising on equality, we can restore our lands and with it, our communities.
Sep 16, 2020
42 min
Intimacy and Spiritual SEX with Nikki Rhodes
Don’t forget to subscribe! 🌟 Connect with Sarah Barnes on IG @impulseyoga_youtube -🖤About Nikki ::Nikki Rhodes is a passionate advocate for authentic relating. She is the host of ‘SECRETS OF SPIRITUAL SEX’ podcast and co-founder of @nz.spirit festival. She believes that a positive #sexualeducation is our birth-right and coaches both men and women in all things sex and relationship related. She facilitates workshops and is an international speaker at various festivals and retreats..She has degrees in psychology, childbirth education and Ancient History where she was a lecturer at the University of Auckland in Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine specialising in issues surrounding women's health and sexuality in the ancient world.A devoted traveller and student of life always, she continues her study of traditional Tantra in India each year, as well as presenting workshops at various festivals and retreats across Australia and New Zealand..🖤Connect with Nikki::@[email protected]/user/Nikki2010514
Sep 1, 2020
46 min
From Marine Veteran to Sustainable CEO with Brenden Fitzgerald
In this #impulsechats Sarah speak's with Brenden AKA @the_sustainable_ceo founder of @planet_protein. Dont forget to subscribe!watch the video here .Connect with Sarah Barnes :: @impulseyoga_ @the_sustainable_ceo ::Brenden’s passions are tattoos, sustainability & smoothies. He was raised in Flint, Michigan where he learned hard work & resilience, while experiencing first hand some of the unfortunate situations he is so passionate about resolving..🌿Nowadays, it’s about good vibes and sharing the magic a conscious life can bring to others! He created a plant-based nutrition company, @Planet_Protein out of his own need to find quality vegan options without compromising his core ethics. . From combat kit to sustainable cutlery, from blue collar to no collar, Brenden is all about living your truth & bringing positive value to every moment in life. Fighting for injustices & voices who cannot be heard. You can find him sharing his passion through public speaking, social media, or through the innovative movement his leadership has brought to a booming industry..With one shot at this life on Earth, @the_sustainable_ceo leaves nothing on the table. ..Brenden’s links & recommendations:@the_sustainable_ceo @planet_protein @offerup @garyvee @hatsmithe
Aug 26, 2020
55 min
What they don’t teach you in yoga class with Marylene Henry
in this #impulsechats I speak with @zazyoga aka Marylene Henry about what they don’t teach in yoga class PLUS EXPERT advice for Yoga teachers..connect with Sarah Barnes @impulseyoga_ watch the interview is an energetic and experienced yoga teacher, reiki healer, and mindfulness coach. After climbing the ladders of the corporate world and holding senior international positions in Fortune 100 companies, she decided to trade her tailored suits for yoga pants and dedicate herself to studying and teaching yoga. . Her extensive experience in corporate environments led her to experience how lifestyle impacts the body and mind. She leverages this knowledge to help students and clients relieve their physical and psychological pain through yoga and osteopathic techniques. Her holistic immersive approach encompasses deep understanding of bodily systems and body alignments, philosophy, and mindfulness practice, to lead her clients to self-empowerment..On top of yoga, @zazyoga studied psychology, energy fields, and mindfulness coaching. She is currently completing a PhD in Osteopathy. She leads yoga workshops in the UAE and yoga teacher trainings in Bali..Marylene’s links & recommendations:: @zazyoga @anatomytrainsofficial @damongivehand @neurokinetictherapy
Aug 18, 2020
56 min
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