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Episode 07 - Julia Maria Pasch: Part I - The Wagner Villa - episode of podcast podcast

Episode 07 - Julia Maria Pasch: Part I - The Wagner Villa

13 minutes Posted Apr 26, 2021 at 6:42 pm.
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Hi there!

I hope you all stayed safe and healthy throughout this time.  After a long hiatus the podcast is back and trying to catch up with all the exciting conversations in store for you!  I am especially stoked to do so with this conversation with an extraordinary contemporary violin maker from Germany: Julia Maria Pasch.

I was lucky enough to be able to visit Julia at her workshop in Vienna back in 2019, at the Wagner Villa. This conversation was recorded in the same room where composer Richar Wagner worked on his opera Die Meistersinger von Nüremberg between 1863 and 1864.  As Julia tells us, there was a poignant evening concert taking place in this residence on the evening of 7th February 1864, with significance for the history of European music. Richard Wagner hosted the event for an exclusive group of artists living at the time in Vienna. Among them, a much younger Johannes Brahms.  Wagner, predicating on the Work of Art of the Future, while Brahms mastering "the old forms" (as Wagner himself declared that night).

Listen to this introductory conversation for a taste of what is it like to live and work in a house with such signficance in the history of music.

I continue the conversation with Julia in the second part of this episode to talk about her life as a successful contemporary violin maker. You can't miss it if you want to hear about what makes a Stradivari violin so special, and what it means in the context of contemporary violin making.  Cooming up soon!!

I want to thank Julia for graciously hosting me at her workshop in the Wagner Villa to record this whole episode. Check out her web site here.


Die Meistersinger Akt I Fanfare - Recorded live at the Bayreuther Festpielhaus in 2010.

Sexttet in B Flat, J. Brahms, 2nd Mov, Opening fragment Violin I, by yours truly.

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