We're in a band, and we're unreliable as hell! Have a chat with Chris and then enjoy our first ever pilot episode, previously unreleased! Because it wasn't good enough! But you get to listen to it now you lucky lucky listener.Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, Wil Russel, Ross Morris, James PedleyCome see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
Sep 24, 2020
14 min

We're in a band, today you get an exclusive listen on the agony that is finishing lyrics. We're immature, so to avoid any real conversations we make a lot of jokes, which really isnt helpful is it? Eventually by the end we finish the Pre Chorus to Lust For Blood. If you are not a song writer you may not enjoy it as much, so apologies in advance!Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, Wil Russel, Ross Morris, James PedleyCome see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
Aug 10, 2020
17 min

We're in a band, today we sit in the studio and talk through some of our merch: how we made it and what we printed it on. We've learned a few things on the way so if your in a band you may find this useful! After that you get a fly on the wall listen to our writing process of Lust For Blood.Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, Wil Russel, Come see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
Jul 23, 2020
27 min

We're in a band, today we go on a mega-waffle. We run some theories on how venues will continue in these strange times, including disinfecting mists, flame throwers and personal bubbles. And we come up with new business ideas including drive through washing up service and pregnancy ward. Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, Wil Russel, James PedleyCome see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
Jul 8, 2020
19 min

We're in a band, sometimes we talk about it and sometimes we let a guest do the talking for us. Today we have tour buddy Gary McGuiness from meaty rock duo Survival Code. We talk pros and cons of operating a 2-piece and the place of drummer in metal. And what IS metal?Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, Wil RusselGuest: Gary McguinessCome see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
Jul 1, 2020
30 min

We're in band, sometimes we waffle on and sometimes we impart useful advice (not actually happened yet). Today we tackle the age old question: do you drink or eat a soup? We talk about what we've learned making 7 music videos over the 10 years of the bands life.Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, James Pedley, Wil RusselCome see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
Jun 24, 2020
21 min

We're in band, sometimes we waffle on and sometimes we impart useful advice (not actually happened yet). Today we reminisce about our first European tour with blues rock band The Brew where we stayed in Hotel-Restaurant Johanniskreuz It was basically like the shining, you'll see/hear.Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, James Pedley, Wil Russel, Ross MorrisCome see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
Jun 17, 2020
21 min

We're in band, sometimes we waffle on and sometimes we let guests on the show. Today we hang out with 'Little Tom', guitarist for punk meat-bag unit FACE UP and previously guitarist for pop artist Emma McGann. We discuss gigs in fetish clubs, guitar gear and in depth feature on venue toilets.Check out FACE UP here: https://faceupuk.com/And Toms AMAZING solo song FOSTERING//HARBOURING here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ker3TyiWS_4Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, James Pedley Guest: Tom HarrisCome see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
Jun 10, 2020
25 min

We're in a band: sometimes we talk about it, sometimes we don't. Today we go to a Ryan Adams gig and ask him to play Summer of 69, and reel off ten do's and dont's of being in a band. DON'T LEAVE YOUR GUITAR IN GERMANY!!Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, James Pedley, Wil RusselCome see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
Jun 3, 2020
29 min

We're in a band. Sometimes we talk about it, sometimes we waffle. Today we play another classic game of Creepy Lyrics and we discover Will is massive fan of Blue. We also talk about trying operate an iPod Nano in front of 5000 people and what do to when it goes wrong. Hosts: Chris Butler, Tom Ogilvie, James Pedley, Will Russel Come see what we do at www.lunakiss.co.ukTwitter: @ImInABandPodWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod wemadethispod.com
May 27, 2020
16 min
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