iarasa Podcast


iar subekti
cuma iseng buat podcast, karena sesungguhnya gw rindu menjadi active speaker. ENJOY!
#6 How to survive in Germany
This time, I bring my cousin living in Germany for educational purposes. Listen and how she lives there. Stay Tune!
Sep 25, 2020
43 min
#5 Vibes in Corporate and Startup
Sharing about my experience when I worked in corporate and startup specifically in working environtment. Nice to share, hope you can enjoy it! :D
Sep 9, 2020
27 min
#4 Being Realistic?!
Sesuatu yang lagi gw rasain banget sekarang, ketika lagi pengen banget sesuatu tapi source nya terbatas. dan gak ada salah nya untuk menjadi realistik kok! :)
Sep 6, 2020
11 min
#3 Talk to peer (iarasa ft relaksasi rasa by Lisvy Nael)
Still in pandemic situation, we'd like to discuss about what is common feel in our range of age such as quarter life crisis. some of people feel like that and it sounds interesting to talk about it. enjoy!
May 18, 2020
44 min
#2 Small Tak with Peer ( iar and ira are talking )
Share with my friend (Ira Ramayanti) who has related condition with me since this pandemic blew up about how we spent our daily life currently. thanks for joining the conversation, mamake !
May 10, 2020
33 min
#1 Perkenalan dulu Sob!
Secara singkat tentang si Host dan alasan bikin podcat. *karena masih awal-awal, mohon maaf kalau masih rada amatir. harap dimaklumi. terima kasih
May 3, 2020
16 min