#iamAvanti -> I Am Moving Forward -> Stories of Transformation Podcast

#iamAvanti -> I Am Moving Forward -> Stories of Transformation

Do you know what it feels like to look in the mirror and not feel like yourself? Do you know what it's like to understand who you are and how you want to show up in this world? Friend, that's why we're here. We exist to catalyze your personal transformation. We believe that you ought to look on the outside the way that you feel on the inside. We believe that you a unique, beautiful individual and we want to hear your story of Transformation! #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available!
EP029: Sammie's Story of Transformation
Jessica and Sammie talk about how their life experiences transformed them into the person they are today. They also discuss the dangers of piercing oneself. Stay tuned for the next episode! Listen in and leave your comments below! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 0:41 - Meet Sammie 1:31 - Sammie shares what got her into aesthetics 5:59 - Sammie talks about how she wants to look the way that she do since she were five 9:59 - Jessica and Sammie talk about how they confide to their sisters about their piercings 13:38 - Sammie gives advice to those who are struggling with their parents and doesn’t have the same sense of self 15:09 - “It's gonna be okay,you can always take piercings out and get them repierced and don't do it yourself.” - Sammie 16:00 - Jessica and Sammie discuss the possible outcomes if you pierce yourself 19:11 - Sammie shares the craziest thing she have ever done to her hair #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jul 20, 2020
22 min
EP028: Ann's Story of Transformation
Jessica and Ann talk about how piercings and body modifications transform them as a person. Listen and learn to this fun conversation! Stay tuned for the next episode! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 1:00 - Meet Ann 2:33 - “It's nice to get to know more people and be able to help them.” - Ann 5:38 - Ann talks about her piercings 9:55 - “I actually wasn't planning on getting in on anything pierced but I kind of have this shiny ball syndrome where I see jewelry and then I want it!” - Ann 10:31 - Ann narrates how she got her first piercing 15:59 - Ann’s whole timeline of getting her piercings 19:33 - Ann shares what piercing she is looking forward to have 20:27 - “It's always fun. I see it as a collaborative art project.” - Jessica 21:20 - Ann shares how she feels with her piercings and body modifications 23:51 - Jessica and Ann talks about how piercings transformed them as a person 32:37 - Ann ends the conversation with an advice #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jul 17, 2020
34 min
EP027: Sarah's Journey of Self-Expression
Jessica and Sarah talk about how Sarah went from neuroscientist to artist. Listen and learn how creativity can be expressed through body modifications! Stay tuned for the next episode! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 0:32- Meet Sarah 2:51 - “The cool thing about what is happening in the world right now is a lot of people are finding themselves with a lot of spaciousness in time.” - Sarah 4:17 - Sarah shows some of her artworks and explains the process of how she create them 12:24 - Sarah talks about how her own creativity is related to her body modifications 13:19 - “If the environment that I'm trying to go into is not conducive to my own self-expression, then I shouldn't be there.” - Sarah 18:34 - Sarah talks about her first body modification 22:51 - Sarah shares her thoughts about tattoos and piercings 26:53 - Sarah gives advice to everyone with a creative mindset 28:56 - “If someone doesn't like the piece that you've done, then they're not the ones that the piece was for.” - Jessica #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jul 11, 2020
30 min
EP026: Zani's Journey of Self-Expression
Jessica and Zani talk about their piercing experiences. Zani also shares how it is like to grow up in a foster care system. Stay tuned for the next episode! Listen in and leave your comments below! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 0:44 - Meet Zani 1:33 - Zani talks about her piercings 6:46 - Zani’s advice before getting a piercing 7:56 - “I think any form of modification is a way to let your inside shine out” - Jessica 8:02 - Jessica and Zani talks about listening to one’s inner voice to express oneself 11:10 - “Piercings and tattoos helped me find myself.” - Jessica 11:39 - Zani gives advice to everyone who is nervous to make a change for themselves 13:04 - Zani’s advice to the young ones who are new to modification who are having a hard time dealing with negative comments 16:20 - Zani shares her experience growing up in foster care 20:13 - Zani talks about the misconceptions associated with people who grew up in the foster care system 25:21 - Zani shares how empowering it is to have one’s own sibling in foster care 27:34 - Zani concluded the interview by giving advice to anyone who's facing any challenges at home #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jul 8, 2020
29 min
EP025: Stacy's Journey of Self-Expression
Jessica and Stacy talk about their own piercing experiences. Stacy also shares the piercing experience of her daughter. Stay tuned for the next episode! Listen in and leave your comments below! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 0:26 - Meet Stacy 2:21 - Stacy talks about her piercings 6:36 - Stacy shares how it is like to be a mother to a seven-year-old daughter 9:10 - “If you can't brush your teeth, how are you going to take care of your earrings? “- Stacy 10:18 - Stacy talks about what piercings mean to her personally 11:43 - “It makes me feel much more feminine to have earrings in which is why I really like it”- Stacy 15:06 - Stacy gives advice to parents who have kids who are wanting to get modified 19:07 - Stacy ends the conversation by giving advice to anyone who is curious about getting any sort of modifications but isn't really sure if they want to go through with it #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jul 2, 2020
20 min
EP024: Riley's Journey of Self-Expression
Jessica and Riley talk about the different ways of expressing oneself. They also mentioned that getting piercings is one beautiful way of self-expression. Stay tuned for the next episode! Listen in and leave your comments below! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 0:25 - Meet Riley 2:39 - Riley talks about her first piercing 3: 50 - Riley shares what does self-expression mean to her 5:37 - “Why I get piercings or tattoos is because I think it's such a beautiful way to express yourself.” - Riley 8:18 - Riley talks about her tattoos 12:15 - Riley shares her preconceived notions of what a person with piercings and tattoos is when you she was younger versus now 19:12 - Riley discuss about how thoughtful is the piercing process in Avanti 23:28 - “I feel like it's just become such a part of me and it makes me a little bit happier when I look in the mirror like I have that and that's part of me now.” - Riley 26:07- “Actually, my body is exactly what I say it is because I'm the person who's wearing it.”- Jessica 28:07 - Riley concludes the conversation by commending the platform for letting different people share and have self-expression to be talked about #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jun 25, 2020
29 min
EP023: Appreciating Your Anxiety
Jessica and Melissa talk about how piercings help Melissa become more confident and appreciate her features more. Stay tuned for the next episode! Listen in and leave your comments below!  EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 0:38 - Meet Melissa 2:39 - Melissa and Jessica talk about their piercings and their piercing experience 6:00 - Melissa shares how she became more confident after being pierced 9:26 - Melissa and Jessica share their parent’s take with their piercings 12:47 -  “I honestly think a lot of it has nothing to do with the stigma with modification and it has everything to do with the fact that their child is growing up.” - Jessica 13:40 - Melissa talks about how she would incorporate art in the job she wanted to do 16:59 - Melissa reveals the reason why she wanted to help people who learn differently 19:20 - “I don't really talk about my piercings in like, hoping that they would understand. I just definitely be myself.” - Melissa 22:50 - Melissa shares what piercing she is looking forward to get after the pandemic 25:15 - Melissa ends the conversation with advice to those who are afraid to get pierced but really wants to #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jun 25, 2020
26 min
EP022: Alexa’s Story of Transformation
Jessica and Alexa talk about Alexa's love for animals and for piercings. Stay tuned for the next episode! Listen in and leave your comments below! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 0:42 - Meet Alexa 1:17 - “It’s kind of nice in a medical specialty being able to express yourself that way without feeling limited by your job.” - Alexa 1:37 - Alexa talks about what got her into being a Veterinary Technician 2:53 - Alexa shares their clinic’s operation during the pandemic crisis 4:20 - Alexa talks about what led her to get piercings 6:05 -  Alexa’s piercings journey 10:29 - “I felt truly unique with my spiral on my right ear where I felt like that one was different and not one that a lot of people have so that was my special place.” - Alexa 10:46 - The piercing that makes Alexa feel the most unique 18:56 - Alexa shares what led her dedicate her life to animals 20:24 - “ I love talking about husbandry and the care of those animals with clients. I think it’s fun to share that knowledge and I try to do it in a way where they feel safe and not like they’re judged.” - Alexa 21:20 - “One of the reasons why we started doing these calls is you look after animals the way that I look after people’s piercings.” - Jessica 22:24 - Alexa explains her misconception before she started getting piercings versus now 29:23 - Alexa concludes the conversation with talking about her favorite animal #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jun 23, 2020
34 min
EP021: Defining Yourself is a Journey Without a Solid Destination
Avanti's very own Jessica and Silas talked about Silas' ongoing process of self-acceptance. Listen in and be inspired to keep moving forward! Stay tuned for the next episode! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 0:42- Meet Silas 1:45 - Silas explains what it is like on the East Coast vs on the West Coast 4:21 - Silas talks about his journey of self-acceptance, and what that process means to him 6:40 - “This journey has been obviously really centered around my gender journey and being trans but I do feel like it really extends into so much more than.” - Silas 11:07 - Silas speaks about confronting your fears of self-reflection 14:08 - Jessica speaks about OCD and what it means to experience an anxiety based mental illness like that 14:50 - Silas talks about sitting with your feelings, and the process of moving from fear to witnessing them 18:58 - Silas talks about his expectations of the modified world vs. what it means to become a modified person 22:12 - Silas talks about his dream of being a tattoo artist 23:38 - Silas talks about what it means to be Jewish, trans, tattooed and pierced 25:15 - Jessica and Silas talk about living the questions and moving past the identities given into the identities chosen 36:01 - Silas wraps up the conversation with one more piece of advice on coming to terms with your true self #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jun 22, 2020
38 min
EP020: Ways You Can Stay Safe at the Grocery Store
Listen to Jessica and Shayna as they share a PPE walkthrough with a tutorial on how to safely put on your gloves. Stay tuned for the next episode! DISCLAIMER: Although these won’t create a completely sterile environment, these are great tips we compiled to help you understand the best, safest way to use Personal Protective Equipment for beginners. Please follow at your own discretion. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS 1:57- Shayna begins the PPE walkthrough with a tutorial on how to safely put on your gloves 3:36 - Jessica explains what you need to do first before going to the grocery store 10:06 - Jessica goes over cleaning and sanitizing materials 10:51 - Shayna provides some safe, package free storage techniques 11:54 - Jessica and Shayna go over hand washing techniques, and how to decontaminate your household after a trip outside 14:45 - Jessica and Shayna wrap up the tutorial with some last bits of advice #iamAvanti Podcast is brought to you by iamAvanti.com. AvantiBodyJewelry.com Use promo code "PODCAST" for 10% off your next purchase of the best Body Jewelry available! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iamavanti/message
Jun 19, 2020
15 min
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