I Get By With a Little Help Podcast

I Get By With a Little Help

Honor Blevins
A slice of life podcast where I talk with people that I think are brilliant! We will be sharing stories, opinions, ideas and so much more!
Visiting with real estate agent LuLu Bishop!
In this episode I chatted with LuLu Bishop. She is a real estate agent with Kellar Williams in San Antonio, Tx. She knows her stuff and hopefully you learn a thing or two like I did! Feel free to find her on social media if you have any questions or real estate needs!
Apr 10, 2023
1 hr 3 min
Visiting with Ella Benton, owner of VE Designs!
Ella is the owner of VE Designs and she specializes in Swedish Mora clocks. She finds these amazing 2-300 year old clocks all over Sweden and ships them to the US. You can find her on Instagram @vivianeestelledesigns. That are amazing pieces of art.
Apr 1, 2023
1 hr 10 min
Talking with anti-mlm advocate Erin Bies
Erin is a wife, a mom, a military veteran and she spent 13.5 years in multi level marketing. She has healed her way out of it and now raises awareness against mlms. She was a top earner in more than one company, so she knows what she’s talking about! You can find her on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. On Instagram @therealbiestmode on YouTube @ErinBies or search her name. She is awesome!
Mar 25, 2023
1 hr 2 min
Talking with author and public speaker Erin Meyer Charneux!
Erin and I are childhood friends from Boerne, Tx. Erin now lives in Brussels, Belgium. She has written a book titled D-Day Lessons For Today, done a TedX talk and is an all around fascinating person. I love her perspective on life! You can find her on Instagram @experimentsontheedge or on her website at www.erinmeyercharneux.com
Mar 20, 2023
59 min
Talking barrel racing with Casey Byrd!
In this episode Casey and I talk about all things barrel racing! The riders, the horses, the money, the lifestyle and all a bunch of other stuff! We could have talked for hours! Hope y’all learn a thing or two….I know I sure did!
Mar 3, 2023
1 hr 7 min
Catching up with Kodie Ketchbaw!
Visited with Kodie today about her life and a little bit about how she lives it! And lives it she does! She is an avid traveler, a flight attendant with Southwest Airlines and is a former and current owner of multiple businesses. She has a brilliant mind, a super busy schedule, and I am so thankful that she shared some time with me! If you are in Colorado and would like to book her fabulous bars…you can find her on Instagram at k_bar_events!
Aug 15, 2022
1 hr 13 min
Chatting with Michael Guin about life and addiction!
Michael and I went to school together k-12 so we’ve known each other a while! He is a fascinating person, a great father and has been sober for 12 years. In this episode we talk about addiction and recovery and what all of that looks like in his world. If you, or anyone you know, needs help either their struggle with addiction please reach out to Michael on social media. He is a great resource and is more than happy to throw out a lifeline!
Jul 11, 2022
1 hr 11 min
Chatting with Boerne ISD Athletic Director, Coach Stan Leech!
Coach Leech was the head coach of the boys basketball team when I was a student at Boerne High School. We cover all kinds of topics such related to athletics these days! Coach has had a great career so far and is a wealth of knowledge in the world of athletics! It was a joy to talk to him!
Jun 30, 2022
1 hr 4 min
Chatting with my brother, Monte!
Monte is my older brother that spent 23 years in the US Army. We talk about Army life and what it’s like to make a career out of the military. He is a great resource for veteran information so please reach out if you need any help with benefits!
Jun 17, 2022
1 hr 11 min
Vanlifer Blakeley Dent!
In this episode I visit with Blakeley Dent who has sold all of her major possessions and now lives in a van! We talk about pros and cons, real costs and so much more! Follow her journey on all of her social media platforms that are mentioned in this episode!
Jun 6, 2022
1 hr 5 min
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