In a realm where disruption is the norm, how do we pivot from reacting to proactively transforming? On this episode, I am highlighting that transformation isn't just a buzzword – it's the embodiment of a genuine desire for progress and crafting a new reality for our dental practices. Transformation is a term often tossed around, but its true essence is profound. It's about more than just ticking boxes; it's a full-scale commitment to a new way of being. This is not a choice made lightly, but for those of us in the dental field who dare to embrace it, the rewards promise to redefine success.
"Transformation happens because of a desire, an internal choice made that is desiring more, allowing an individual to uncover or reveal more."
What you will learn -
Culture and Transformation
Adaptability and Innovation
Impact of Change and Transformation
Creating Transformation in 2024
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