Listen, then vote for your favorites at HowNotToSail.com/51 …!
Jan 10, 2024
14 min

First of all... Come by the meetup this week! (Details in the podcast.) In this episode, we find out what happened with the boat (and our house) during Category 3 Hurricane Idalia. Patreon Yes, you can join the Patreon crew and help keep How Not To Sail afloat (plus get way cool perks) for as little as $3 a month. Get The Book Want to enjoy your boat, visit awesome destinations, and skip the stress? Then be sure NOT to use any of the "handy tips" mentioned here. Author, sailor, and host of the How Not To Sail Podcast Bradford Rogers shares with you some of his easily-won but hard to forget advice with equal measures of wide-eyed befuddlement and extra-dry humor. (Shaken AND stirred.) Buy How Not To Sail at HowNotToSail.com/book How Not To Sail Email Newsletter Join the How Not To Sail email list and get the almost-sorta-biweekly newsletter at HowNotToSail.com/email Help Spread The Word! I’d love it if you could please share How Not To Sail with your Twitter followers. Click here to post a tweet! If you dug this episode, head over to Podchaser and kindly leave a review and follow the show! ...or as always, just tell a friend! Thanks!!! Music What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor? (Traditional) - performed by Bradford Rogers and Peter Suarez ⚓️
Oct 10, 2023
24 min

The legendary Captain Bob Bitchin shares a few hitherto unshared tips on how not to cruise. Also, check out the new and improved How Not To Sail Store!
Aug 26, 2023
22 min

The Admiral and I visit the Bahamas island of freedom, drive on the wrong side of the road...and *maybe* escape a man with a machete. This episode has a video version, including maps, photos, and video footage, at https://hownottosail.com/48. What could possibly go wrong? Get The Book Want to enjoy your boat, visit awesome destinations, and skip the stress? Then be sure NOT to use any of the "handy tips" mentioned here. Author, sailor, and host of the How Not To Sail Podcast Bradford Rogers shares with you some of his easily-won but hard to forget advice with equal measures of wide-eyed befuddlement and extra-dry humor. (Shaken AND stirred.) Buy How Not To Sail at HowNotToSail.com/book How Not To Sail Email Newsletter Join the How Not To Sail email list and get the almost-sorta-biweekly newsletter at HowNotToSail.com/email Patreon Yes, you can join the Patreon crew and help keep How Not To Sail afloat (plus get way cool perks) for as little as $3 a month. Help Spread The Word! I’d love it if you could please share How Not To Sail with your Twitter followers. Click here to post a tweet! If you dug this episode, head over to Podchaser and kindly leave a review and follow the show! ...or as always, just tell a friend! Thanks!!! Music What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor? (Traditional) - performed by Bradford Rogers and Peter Suarez ⚓️
Jun 11, 2023
21 min

I share some thoughts on...wait for it... How Not To Buy A Boat. (With some help from my friend Bill. Who really exists.) Get The Book Want to enjoy your boat, visit awesome destinations, and skip the stress? Then be sure NOT to use any of the "handy tips" mentioned here. Author, sailor, and host of the How Not To Sail Podcast Bradford Rogers shares with you some of his easily-won but hard to forget advice with equal measures of wide-eyed befuddlement and extra-dry humor. (Shaken AND stirred.) Buy How Not To Sail at HowNotToSail.com/book How Not To Sail Email Newsletter Join the How Not To Sail email list and get the almost-sorta-biweekly newsletter at HowNotToSail.com/email Patreon Yes, you can join the Patreon crew and help keep How Not To Sail afloat (plus get way cool perks) for as little as $3 a month. Help Spread The Word! I’d love it if you could please share How Not To Sail with your Twitter followers. Click here to post a tweet! If you dug this episode, head over to Podchaser and kindly leave a review and follow the show! ...or as always, just tell a friend! Thanks!!! Music What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor? (Traditional) - performed by Bradford Rogers and Peter Suarez ⚓️
Feb 6, 2023
12 min

Perhaps the most important episode you'll hear this year. (Cruising isn't just for boat owners. And...what are you *really* looking for?) Get The Book Want to enjoy your boat, visit awesome destinations, and skip the stress? Then be sure NOT to use any of the "handy tips" mentioned here. Author, sailor, and host of the How Not To Sail Podcast Bradford Rogers shares with you some of his easily-won but hard to forget advice with equal measures of wide-eyed befuddlement and extra-dry humor. (Shaken AND stirred.) Buy How Not To Sail at HowNotToSail.com/book How Not To Sail Email Newsletter Join the How Not To Sail email list and get the almost-sorta-biweekly newsletter at HowNotToSail.com/email Patreon Yes, you can join the Patreon crew and help keep How Not To Sail afloat (plus get way cool perks) for as little as $3 a month. Help Spread The Word! I’d love it if you could please share How Not To Sail with your Twitter followers. Click here to post a tweet! If you dug this episode, head over to Podchaser and kindly leave a review and follow the show! ...or as always, just tell a friend! Thanks!!! Music What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor? (Traditional) - performed by Bradford Rogers and Peter Suarez ⚓️
Jan 21, 2023
12 min

So..this week has been SO fubar that I forgot I hadn't posted this one. However, the sentiments expressed herein are even more relevant this week. (Also...some flute.)
Dec 24, 2022
4 min

To RSVP for Saturday's Zoom party (do it NOW if you wanna attend), go to HowNotToSail.com/party and put in your name and email. Super easy! The link will follow once you have *confirmed* the confirmation email. Thanks to the Davis' Pub Patreon Crew! We had a blast!
Oct 20, 2022
18 min

Strange how much this podcast parallels this week's events...and how little I learned from my experience. RSVP to the Zoom Party Reserve your spot for the Season 2 Party at HowNotToSail.com/party Join the Patreon Crew before the Boat Show (and the Zoom Party) for More Perks! Yes, you can join the Patreon crew and help keep How Not To Sail afloat (plus get way cool perks) for as little as $3 a month. And right now is a great time to join, what with the meetup in Annapolis and the VIP Pre-Party with Capt. Bob Bitchin before the Zoom party. Welcome aboard! HowNotToSail.com/Patreon Music Special thanks to Lobo Loco and these talented creatives…! Lobo Loco's music appears regularly in my Dad's podcast. Calm Under Joekull- B (ID 685) Lobo Loco – www.musikbrause.de Creative Commons License (BY-NC-ND 4.0) Unity Kevin McCleod Creative Commons License (BY 4.0) Shiny Podington Bear Creative Commons License (BY-NC 4.0) Beneath Dark Clouds The Pangolins Creative Commons License (BY-SA 4.0) Groove Drum & Bass, via Audio Jungle
Sep 30, 2022
15 min

We're getting ready for some big fun! RSVP to the Zoom Party Reserve your spot for the Season 2 Party at HowNotToSail.com/party Join the Patreon Crew before the Boat Show (and the Zoom Party) for More Perks! Yes, you can join the Patreon crew and help keep How Not To Sail afloat (plus get way cool perks) for as little as $3 a month. And right now is a great time to join, what with the meetup in Annapolis and the VIP Pre-Party with Capt. Bob Bitchin before the Zoom party. Welcome aboard! HowNotToSail.com/Patreon Get The Book Want to enjoy your boat, visit awesome destinations, and skip the stress? Then be sure NOT to use any of the "handy tips" mentioned here. Author, sailor, and host of the How Not To Sail Podcast Bradford Rogers shares with you some of his easily-won but hard to forget advice with equal measures of wide-eyed befuddlement and extra-dry humor. (Shaken AND stirred.) Buy How Not To Sail at HowNotToSail.com/book How Not To Sail Email Newsletter Join the How Not To Sail email list and get the almost-sorta-biweekly newsletter at HowNotToSail.com/email Help Spread The Word! I’d love it if you could please share How Not To Sail with your Twitter followers. Click here to post a tweet! If you dug this episode, head over to Podchaser and kindly leave a review and follow the show! ...or as always, just tell a friend! Thanks!!! Music What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor? (Traditional) - performed by Bradford Rogers and Peter Suarez ⚓️
Sep 25, 2022
7 min
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