Hotel Stories Podcast - Tales From TripAdvisor Podcast

Hotel Stories Podcast - Tales From TripAdvisor

Tracie Amend
We are a rare breed of individuals who can celebrate your child’s wedding in the ballroom while dealing with a potential drug overdose in room 406. Join us as we tell our favorite hotel stories as told by hotel employees.
Hotel Stories: Tales From Trip Advisor We're Back!
Hoteliers are you out there?  Wow, it's been a while and we are here to talk about all of it.  Sam Tucker, Director of Sales & Marketing for the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas, Texas talks about what it was like to be the only Director to close the doors of the Adolphus since it opened in 1912!  We also welcome the hilarious Riley Nail, Brand Director of Makeready.  Riley entertains us with his stories of celebrity mishaps, like escorting someone to a television interview where they fell asleep after a night of partying as his hotel.  See how Riley handled it like the professional he is.  We also discuss all of the fun we've had managing hotels during a global pandemic.   Please rate us on iTunes, review and subscribe.  
Mar 30, 2022
58 min
Tales from TripAdvisor McAllen, Texas
This week we welcomed special guest and McAllen native, Erika Curry.  You'll be 'shocked' at her stories of being a teenager in McAllen. 
Nov 20, 2019
43 min
Tales From TripAdvisor Myrtle Beach
Thank you to one reviewer who gave us the top three tips for staying alive at a bad motel.  Really they can be helpful in many situations. So learn this and where not to stay in Myrtle Beach according to TripAdvisor reviews.  
Oct 29, 2019
43 min
Tales From TripAdvisor Aspen
We're back and I needed these laughs so much.  Sam, found some of my favorite reviews this week.  I always love when the police show up telling everyone to hit the floor and the reviewer still goes on to mention a leaky faucet.  Keep the reviews coming and don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes. 
Oct 1, 2019
49 min
Sep 24, 2019
26 sec
Tales From TripAdvisor Shreveport, Louisiana
We've heard a lot of horrifying experiences on the podcast but this week...  When a man took down his mirror to find a life size hole in the wall with access to a hallway.  WTF??
Sep 17, 2019
51 min
Tales From TripAdvisor Atlantic City
This week we hear the story of a young girl visiting Atlantic City with her friend.  She is taken from the bar by 10 security guards and held for 5 hours.  Listen to the story and tell us if you believe the hotel or the young girl.  hmmm...
Sep 10, 2019
59 min
Tales From TripAdvisor Omaha
A lot is going down at night in Omaha hotels, who would have thought? So, if you are traveling to Omaha, please do your research and don't end up in the middle of a sting operation with the SWAT team. 
Sep 4, 2019
58 min
Tales From TripAdvisor Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City hotel guest were experiencing some strong feelings with these hotels.  No hotel guest were accused of being a prostitute this week but several shared a hotel with one.  
Aug 27, 2019
57 min
Tales From TripAdvisor Austin
Another round of your favorite TripAdvisor reviews.  This week we visit Austin, Texas.  Where a man checks into the wrong room, which sometimes happens.  However this time the occupant pulls a gun on him.  At this hotel 'we don't call the police'
Aug 20, 2019
49 min
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