This passage is the great glorious announcement that Jesus is coming. This one verse is the heart and theme of the entire book of Revelation.
May 24, 2021
33 min

This passage takes the great truth of the coming of Christ and combines it with the promise of blessings.
May 16, 2021
32 min

This book is a journey into the future. We are going to see things that are shocking, thrilling, and troubling. We are also going to see things joyful and encouraging.
May 16, 2021
32 min

If you are a Christian then this book promises that you will blessed. This is a promise spoken by God himself and given to you the believer.
May 16, 2021
32 min

The resurrection of Jesus is not a feature of Christianity, it is the main event. The whole purpose of God in creating and redeeming His people is to raise them from the dead to worship Him forever.
May 16, 2021
37 min

Here is a book that God intended for Christians to read. What we are going to see could never be known if it were not written and given by the Lord Himself
May 6, 2021
32 min

In order to live God's word, we must first live in God's word. That is, we must come to see that his word is our greatest possession and our greatest pleasure.
Mar 28, 2021
33 min

The commandments and doctrines of God's word are pure, meaning that Gods word is clear, transparent, easily understood, accessible. It is not opaque, it is not hard. In other words, Gods word gives clear direction for life, it enlightens our eyes.
Mar 28, 2021
34 min

Did you know that when you read God's word it has a profound effect upon your thinking process-
Mar 28, 2021
32 min

God's word is pure, it is holy, it is separated from any corruption. Scripture cannot be broken, it is without error and it is relevant to all generations of all times- it endures forever. The Bible is not a mixture of divine revelation and human imagination.
Mar 28, 2021
34 min
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