Hope City Church Podcast
Hope City Church
Hope City Church
Hope City Church
Hope City Church
When someone says the word “church” everyone sees a different image in their mind. We believe Hope City Church is unlike anything you have experienced before. It’s a different church experience, but not because of different beliefs, gimmicks, or tricks. We are different because of the people. Hope City is filled with different kinds of people that don’t always agree theologically or politically, but are unified around one truth: Jesus Christ didn’t have to, but chose to die on the cross, and He dramatically changed our lives forever. On any given weekend you’ll find people who have been attending church for 40 years and some who walked through the doors for the first time 4 minutes ago. You will find former Catholics, current Catholics, Baptists, Pentecostals, wealthy businessmen and families on food stamps. We are not brought together by our differences; we are brought together by Jesus and the cross. We are a Pentecostal church, which for us just means an experience that is exciting, powerful, and life giving. Our weekend services are designed for people at all different places on their spiritual journey, and that includes someone who doesn’t know Jesus personally. A relationship with Jesus is alive. Religion is stale and lifeless, so we are always striving for more of Jesus and less religion. We would love to get a chance to meet you at one of our weekend services sometime soon.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 12 days
Latest episode
3 years ago
July 26, 2021
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