Homeschool Better Together with Pam Barnhill Podcast
Homeschool Better Together with Pam Barnhill
Pam Barnhill
Homeschool Better Together with Pam Barnhill
Pam Barnhill
Are you ready for homeschooling to feel joyful again? Do you need support as you learn alongside your kids? Welcome to Homeschool Better Together. Hosted by Pam Barnhill, this podcast shares how to stop questioning if you are doing enough and create a homeschool experience that fits your family. Each Tuesday, we break down the big ideas into manageable chunks to give you the confidence and resources you need to finally step out of the overwhelm and into the wonder. Homeschool stories and practical tips are delivered straight to your earbuds full of inspiration and encouragement. They are perfect to listen to while running errands or folding a load of laundry. No matter what homeschool method you use, you’ll learn how to remove the overwhelm from your homeschool so you can focus on building relationships. To stay connected and learn even more about the Homeschooling Better Together resources, join the free community:
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Latest episode
7 days ago
September 3
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