Holistic Platter's Food is Medicine Podcast

Holistic Platter's Food is Medicine

Charnise Cooley
Holistic Platter helps women who have Multiple Sclerosis or other autoimmune conditions manage their condition naturally based on the 4 principles of F.R.E.E. which consist of Faith, Rest, Exercise and Eating Healthy. Charnise Cooley is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Health Coach who manages MS and lives her life F.R.E.E. everyday. Subscribe, listen and learn how you can also be F.R.E.E.
The Holistic Platter:  Back To Business
The Holistic Platter is a spirit led community created to help people who are living with a chronic diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis or other autoimmune or chronic conditions.  The Holistic Platter is based on the 4 pillars  if F.R.E.E. which consist of Faith, Rest, Exercise and Eating Healthy, the underlying foundation the community.    Charnise lives her life F.R.E.E. daily.  She speaks at churches, organizations and shares spiritual nuggets to bless, empower and help others who are managing or battling a chronic condition.   Charnise is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and MS Wellness and Fitness Specialist.   She resides in Atlanta, GA with our husband and 3 girls. In this episode, Charnise talks about the changes, why she had to take a pause and explains the Remix on how F.R.E.E and F.R.E.E.D.O.M.  came to be.  Subscribe, listen and learn how you can also be F.R.E.E.Contact Information:[email protected]: https://www.facebook.com/livelovesouthatlantaYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEQ_EQZdLtuMzJG81uEJykQ
Nov 10, 2021
10 min
Functional Teas with Jenny Tse
Charnise talks with Jenny Tse, founder of Sipping Streams Tea Company.  Jenny is a Certified Tea Specialist with the Specialty Institute.  Jenny shares her story how she got started in the tea business and provides good insight on the different types of tea blends that are available and the the array of health benefits that tea drinkers can experience.
Jan 10, 2021
32 min
God's Timing
In this episode, Charnise does a devotional on God's timing.  There is a time for everything to occur in our life.  There's a time to celebrate, a time to mourn, a time to move, a time to be still, etc...  GOD's timing is ever so important, although it can be difficult it can bring a large reward at the end.  Timing is everything, even in the game of life.  Although life might throw you curveballs, be hopeful that one day your breakthrough is coming.  Don't be discouraged and loose faith.  Be encouraged by listening to this devotional.  Subscribe and share this podcast to your fellow peers, family and friends.
Sep 24, 2020
32 min
Its Only Halftime with Terri Crook
Terri Crook is a speaker and author who encourages and empowers women to live their best life in the 2nd stage of their life.  She inspires many people with her humorous personality to stay in the game.  She shares her own personal journey she has faced with chronic health conditions and how it has changed her life.  Be inspired and encouraged that you are not alone.  Topics include her journey of self awareness, eating healthy, her fitness routine and many others.  
Sep 16, 2020
33 min
Holistic Platter with Functional Medicine
Meet Dr. Llana Goldberg, a functional medicine doctor out of DC Metro area.  Charnise Cooley speaks with Dr. Goldberg about her journey and how meeting her was divine intervention a year before she got the diagnosis.  Dr. Goldberg is full of knowledge and works with patients nationwide who seek help with underlying chronic conditions.  Topics of discussion includes inflammation and why it is so important to eliminate it from the body.  Topics of discussion also include nutrition, must have tests and much more.  Holistic Platterhttp://www.theholisticplatter.comIG:  www.instagram.com/theholisticplatter
Sep 9, 2020
31 min
Let's Reduce Inflammation in the Body
Inflammation is a silent killer that can show up in anybody.  Due to the lifestyle we live and the food that we consume, it is inevitable that people will develop some sort of inflammation in their body.  In this episode, Charnise talks about inflammation and the best ways to reduce it and keep it under control. 
Aug 19, 2020
19 min
Family Talk:  Kids are Resilient
We have in the midst of living in the times of COVID19 and it has not only impacting the entire world but it has also affected kids.  In this episode, we interview my 3 daughters who open up and share their thoughts and views about being a kid during a pandemic.  Their infectious laughter and strong personalities demonstrates that kids are definitely resilient and sometimes the bigger people (adults)  need to pause and just listen  
Aug 12, 2020
15 min
Healing Starts from Withtin
Healing Starts from Within which is leaning on GOD's word and promises.  Holistic Platter believes that to have physical healing, spiritual healing must also occur.  Focus on his word and his promises will bring produce positive results for your life.
Aug 5, 2020
9 min
Living F.R.E.E. Program
Learn more about the Living F.R.E.E. program which is targeted towards women who have been diagnosed with MS.  The holistic program created by Charnise Cooley is designed to educate and empower women by making lifestyle and diet changes to live a more healthier life.
Jul 29, 2020
11 min
Eating Clean and Eating Healthy
Series Part 4 of 4.  Charnise shares her faith and testimony on her journey with M.S.  She talks about why she chose to unpopular decision not to take the medication and allow the food to be her medicine to bring healing.  Charnise's is passionate and amazing story will inspire those who are looking for fulfillment, healing and purpose.  She believes that if you take care of your body, you're body will take care you.  Listen and subscribe to the podcast.  Follow Charnise on Instagram at @holisticplatter.
Jul 6, 2020
38 min
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