Hold the Curtain Podcast

Hold the Curtain

Gallery 7 Theatre & Performing Arts
Hold the Curtain is a new podcast from Gallery 7 Theatre all about arts & culture, theatre, and much more! We'll have a featured guest each episode to chat about an upcoming project or their experiences. Plus, lots of games, fun and treats with your host Ken Hildebrandt and G7 staff members Charlene Crawford and Gabe Kirkley. Join us for Hold the Curtain: A Gallery 7 Podcast!
#8 - 30 Years of Theatre With Ken Hildebrandt
Gabe and Charlene to interview Ken on 30 years of theatre-making at Gallery 7.
Jun 29, 2021
40 min
#7 - On Directing and A New Normal with Jacq Ainsworth, Bethany Sommerville & Sarah Wiget
Jun 25, 2021
51 min
#6 - Producing Improv with Andrew Bright of Panic Squad
Ken interviews Andrew Bright from Panic Squad. Plus, Gabe, Ken and Charlene have a discussion about theatre production! ------ Show Notes 1:25 - Theatre Production Discussion with Charlene, Ken and Gabe 16:30 - Interview with Andrew Bright 29:45 - This or That 34:28 - Waddya Know ------ Links https://www.instagram.com/gallery7theatre/ (G7 Instagram) https://www.facebook.com/gallery7theatre (G7 Facebook) https://twitter.com/gallery7theatre (G7 Twitter) http://www.gallery7theatre.com/ (G7 Website)
May 27, 2021
41 min
#5 - Mentorship and Production Management with Charlene Crawford
Ken interviews our very own Charlene Crawford about being a production manager, mentorship, and much more! Plus, Gabe, Ken and Charlene have a discussion about mentorship in theatre and play a new game of What Gaffs My Tape! ------ Show Notes 1:33 - Mentorship Discussion with Charlene, Ken and Gabe 18:59 - Interview with Production Manager Charlene 31:14 - What Gaffs My Tape 38:40 - Waddya Know ------ Whaddya Know? Gabe: A second monitor - any second monitor - it's so worth it! Charlene: https://www.stratfordfestival.ca/Subscription (Stratford Festival at Home) Ken: https://www.amazon.ca/This-Rough-Magic-Artistic-Director/dp/0973050918 (This Rough Magic: The Making of an Artistic Director) by Richard Monette and https://www.amazon.ca/Rewrites-Memoir-Neil-Simon/dp/0684835622 (Rewrites: A Memoir) by Neil Simon ------ Links https://www.instagram.com/gallery7theatre/ (G7 Instagram) https://www.facebook.com/gallery7theatre (G7 Facebook) https://twitter.com/gallery7theatre (G7 Twitter) http://www.gallery7theatre.com/ (G7 Website)
May 7, 2021
44 min
#4 - Pivoting to the Digital Stage with Mikayla Froese, Brady Moore and Heather Nairn
Ken interviews artists involved in our production of The Little Prince: Mikayla Froese, Brady Moore and Heather Nairn. They chat about how they got involved in theatre, what has gone into the creation of the show, and they play a rousing round of This or That: Theatre Edition. Plus, a discussion about digital theatre with the G7 staff. ------ Show Notes 1:52 - Digital Theatre discussion with Charlene, Ken and Gabe 18:40 - Interview with Mikayla, Brady and Heather 42:15 - This or That: Theatre Edition 51:07 - Whaddya Know? ------ Whaddya Know? Gabe: https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2021/mar/17/rsc-a-midsummer-nights-dream (A Midsummer Night's Dream) by the Royal Shakespeare Company Charlene: https://www.kimsenklipharvey.com/kamloopa (Kamloopa) by Kim Senklip Harvey Ken: https://movies.disney.com/soul (Soul) and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Bought_a_Zoo (We Bought a Zoo) ------ Links https://www.instagram.com/gallery7theatre/ (G7 Instagram) https://www.facebook.com/gallery7theatre (G7 Facebook) https://twitter.com/gallery7theatre (G7 Twitter) http://www.gallery7theatre.com/ (G7 Website)
Apr 3, 2021
56 min
#3 - Getting Your Writing On the Page with Shelley Picard and Gabe Kirkley
Ken interviews the playwrights for Act 2 of our Season 29.5: Shelley Picard and Gabe Kirkley! They chat about their plays, the process of writing a new work or adaptation from scratch, and play a rousing round of Never Have I Ever: Playwrights Edition. Plus, Ken, Charlene and Gabe chat about what inspires them to keep working in theatre.
Mar 4, 2021
52 min
#1 - The Value of Theatre in Our Community with Jenn Suess
In this episode of Hold the Curtain, Ken interviews Jenn Suess about her role at Gallery 7 and the value of theatre in our community. We also introduce Gabe and Charlene and play a fun round of Two Truths and a Lie.
Mar 4, 2021
44 min
#2 - Acting as a Form of Community with Angel Duran-Heon
In this episode of Hold the Curtain, Ken chats with Angel Duran-Heon about how he got involved in G7 and how theatre forms a community. Plus, Ken, Charlene and Gabe chat about what's coming up at G7, how they got involved in the company, and play a game of Would You Rather!
Mar 4, 2021
44 min
Hold the Curtain Trailer
Hold the Curtain is a new podcast from Gallery 7 Theatre all about arts & culture, theatre, and much more! We'll have a featured guest each week to chat about an upcoming project or their experiences. Plus, lots of games, fun and treats with your host Ken Hildebrandt and G7 staff members Charlene Crawford and Gabe Kirkley. Subscribe now to get it all delivered to you every couple of weeks!
Feb 28, 2021
2 min