History of Westeros (Game of Thrones)
History of Westeros (Game of Thrones)
History of Westeros
Valar Rereadis: AGOT - Part 4 of 11
2 hour 30 minutes Posted Jun 23, 2019 at 7:02 pm.
Eddard III - The One where Mycah Doesn't Run Very Fast aka the Gang Executes Lady
Bran III - The One with the Three Eyed Crow aka the Gang's in a Coma Dream
Catelyn IV - The Gang goes to King's Landing aka the One when she Meets Littlefinger & Varys
Jon III - The One where Donal Noye Teaches Him a Lesson aka the Gang Gets Bullied
Eddard IV - The Gang Meets the Small Council aka the One where Robert Wants a Tourney
Tyrion III - The One where Jon and Tyrion Become Friends aka The Gang Eats Crabs
Arya II - The One where Arya Starts Training aka the Gang Meets Syrio
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Eddard III - The One where Mycah Doesn't Run Very Fast aka the Gang Executes Lady (4:40)
Bran III - The One with the Three Eyed Crow aka the Gang's in a Coma Dream (
Catelyn IV - The Gang goes to King's Landing aka the One when she Meets Littlefinger & Varys (
Jon III - The One where Donal Noye Teaches Him a Lesson aka the Gang Gets Bullied (
Eddard IV - The Gang Meets the Small Council aka the One where Robert Wants a Tourney (
Tyrion III - The One where Jon and Tyrion Become Friends aka The Gang Eats Crabs (
Arya II - The One where Arya Starts Training aka the Gang Meets Syrio (
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