Highly Caffeinated Conversations Podcast

Highly Caffeinated Conversations

Andy Neary
Welcome to Highly Caffeinated Conversations with Amy and Andy! This is a podcast where we get jacked up on coffee and rift about hot topics in day-to-day life and business. We bring a positive spin and perspective to the challenges in life, relationships, friendships, and careers. Join us as we rift about our adventures through life.
Episode 9 - Garbage In Garbage Out ... Start Filling Your Mind With Positivity
It's time to let the good vibes roll!  Do you feel like everything in the universe is happening TO you right now?  Are you happy with the negative environment?  Feel like you're having WAY too many pessimistic conversations lately?  Well, it's garbage in garbage out! If there's one thing you have control over it's what goes into your mind.  From the news, to social media, to conversations with friends and family.  Choose what you watch and listen to carefully.  This week, we share simple steps you can take to make sure you're creating an environment of optimism in a world filled with uncertainty.  And, yes, it might mean you have to have a tough conversation with a friend or family member!  Get ready to put a smile on your face! It's time to get highly caffeinated and take control of your mental intake!  Tune in and get cranked up!  Cheers! Resources: CONNECT WITH AMY amycloute.com Instagram Soulfully Grounded (podcast) CONNECT WITH ANDY andyneary.com LinkedIn Instagram Bullpen Sessions (podcast)
Sep 17, 2020
10 min
Episode 8 - Create Your Perfect Day With Attention and Intention!
This week we're going to help you create the PERFECT day!  How?  With attention and intention.  This episode was inspired by one of Andy's coaches, Steve Napolitan.  How you start your day will determine how well you navigate your 24 hours.  Does your day start with noise, negative news, and frenetic energy?  Or do you attack your day by going to work on your mind and the outcomes you want to create? Amy and I will share HOW we start our mornings and WHY we've created the routines we have.  We'll also share 4 simple things you can do TODAY to let the day know you mean business.  Does it take work?  Hell yes.  But, if your days feel overwhelmed and a bit out of control, we're willing to bet your first 2 hours of the day have a lot to do with it. It's time to get highly caffeinated and take control of your day!  Tune in and get cranked up!  Cheers! Resources: CONNECT WITH AMY amycloute.com Instagram Soulfully Grounded (podcast) CONNECT WITH ANDY andyneary.com LinkedIn Instagram Bullpen Sessions (podcast)
Sep 10, 2020
20 min
Episode 7 - Is It Time for a Date Night ... With Your Money?
This week we hit upon a touch subject for many.  Money!  It's a subject that we have struggled with in the past and have worked hard to overcome.  Lacking financial transparency in the household can quickly spiral out of control if not addressed properly.  Unfortunately, it's a conversation that often goes unaddressed and is the cause behind breakup and divorce.  In this episode, we share our struggles and the steps we've taken to address the money conversation head on.  Is it easy?  Hell no.  But, it's necessary to create a successful relationship. It's time to get highly caffeinated and level up!  Tune in and get cranked up!  Cheers! Resources: CONNECT WITH AMY amycloute.com Instagram Soulfully Grounded (podcast) CONNECT WITH ANDY andyneary.com LinkedIn Instagram Bullpen Sessions (podcast)
Sep 2, 2020
20 min
Episode 6 - Are You Ready to Go "All In" on Life?
This week's episode is about going large.  What do we mean?  If you're not 100% thrilled with the results you're getting in your career, relationships, health, etc., could it be that you're not totally committed?  Could it just be that you're "half-pregnant"?  Subconsciously, you may be settling for mediocrity and aren't even aware of it.  We have been there and done that!  However, we both made BIG investments in ourselves last week.  It was our way to tell the universe that we're playing for keeps.  Do you need to do the same?  Listen in as we chat about the big decisions we made last week and what you can do to elevate your life by letting the world know you mean business! It's time to get highly caffeinated and level up!  Tune in and get cranked up!  Cheers! Resources: CONNECT WITH AMY amycloute.com Instagram Soulfully Grounded (podcast) CONNECT WITH ANDY andyneary.com LinkedIn Instagram Bullpen Sessions (podcast)
Aug 26, 2020
20 min
Episode 5 - Control Your Mind, Not Your Outcomes
Control.  It seems like such an elusive words these days.  There is SO MUCH that seems out of our control.  Yet, it is our ability to control our thoughts and reactions that will lead to positive results.  Andy just got back from a 2-day trip into the mountains shares how controlling one's mindset let to a HUGE positive outcome when it felt that all control was lost.  Amy then dives into the 4 areas you have the most control over right now and how your ability to master self awareness will lead to success and happiness every time.  Let's get caffeinated and crank it up!  Cheers! Resources: CONNECT WITH AMY amycloute.com Instagram Soulfully Grounded (podcast) CONNECT WITH ANDY andyneary.com LinkedIn Instagram Bullpen Sessions (podcast)
Aug 19, 2020
15 min
Episode 4 - Learning to Play Like a Kid Again
Is there enough "play" in your life right now?  Amy just got back from spending quality time with her 16-month old nephew.  Watching him bounce from activity to activity without a care in the world, go her thinking ... Why don't we play like that as adults?  For some reason, we lose this spontaneity and curiosity as we get older.  Things must be more serious.  Activities must be planned out.  Well, it's time to turn back the clock.  It's time to play like a kid again!   In this episode we dive into the struggles we've battled in trying to block "play" into our calendars and what we are doing to overcome it.  Are you ready to make fun a part of your routine again?   Let's get caffeinated and crank it up!  Cheers! Resources: CONNECT WITH AMY amycloute.com Instagram Soulfully Grounded (podcast) CONNECT WITH ANDY andyneary.com LinkedIn Instagram Bullpen Sessions (podcast)  
Aug 12, 2020
20 min
Episode 3 - Fighting Through the Emotional "Dips" In Life
"When I dip, you dip, we dip!"  Remember the song by Freak Nasty?!? This week we dive into the impact emotional dips can have on your business, your life, and those around you.  In fact, it can be crippling.  The power of negative energy is at all-time high right now.  You have do everything you can to avoid its grip.  In this episode, we share recent examples of how the "dip" hit us and how we quickly pulled ourselves out.  We wrap up the show by sharing 3 simple strategies you can deploy to help you quickly recover from an emotional dip or avoid it all together. Let's get caffeinated and crank it up!  Cheers! Resources: CONNECT WITH AMY amycloute.com Instagram Soulfully Grounded (podcast) CONNECT WITH ANDY andyneary.com LinkedIn Instagram Bullpen Sessions (podcast)
Aug 5, 2020
30 min
Episode 2 - Vacation: Seek New Experiences or Escape Reality?
This week we dive into all things vacations with one VERY IMPORTANT question... Why do you go on vacation? To seek new experiences or escape reality? We recorded this episode while on vacation at the beautiful Gateway Canyons Resort in Western CO. We remember the days of vacationing to escape reality.  You know the vacation ... Long hours spent drinking, partying, and you come home more exhausted than when you left. But hey, you were able to escape the long hours at the job you hate.  We've been there, done that. Is that really a vacation? Vacations should be about seeking new experiences that give you the energy to take on whatever life throws at you. Let's face it ... our options are limited these days, but the goal should still be to re-charge and re-energize. So, what do you use your vacation time for? Listen in as we discuss our views of "time off" and how we choose the experiences we want to seek. Cheers! CONNECT WITH AMY amycloute.com Instagram Soulfully Grounded (podcast) CONNECT WITH ANDY andyneary.com LinkedIn Instagram Bullpen Sessions (podcast)
Aug 5, 2020
18 min
Episode 1 - New Podcast, New Perspective!
Welcome to Highly Caffeinated Conversations with Amy and Andy! This is Episode 1! This is a podcast where we get jacked up on coffee and rift about hot topics in day-to-day life and business. We bring a positive spin and perspective to the challenges in life, relationships, friendships, and careers.   Join us as we rift about our adventures through life. CONNECT WITH AMY amycloute.com @amy.cloute CONNECT WITH ANDY andyneary.com @andy_neary
Jul 18, 2020
7 min