Her Investment Property  with Julie Crockett Podcast

Her Investment Property with Julie Crockett

Julie Crockett
Her Investment Property Podcast was created by Buyers Agent, Julie Crockett to help women understand the fundamentals of Property Investing. So many women lack confidence when it comes to investing and what better way to help bridge the knowledge and confidence gap but to hear the ways that other women are using property as a vehicle to generate their wealth. This Podcast unlocks the strategies and tips of women who are walking their property journey and willingly share to help other women rise. Enjoy, Rate and Review.  Julie Crockett owns Australian Property Investment Solutions, is a Property Investment Course creator and Podcast host. Find more information at www.juliecrockett.com.au Disclaimer: The podcast contains general information on property investing and should not be considered advice. Before making any investment decisions get qualified, professional advice that takes into consideration your personal circumstances.
Season 3 Episode 2: Rentvesting for the Her Investment Property Podcast with Simone Mercer
My guest today is Simone Mercer - Huggins and she shares her 'Rentvesting' story about how she got started and the reasons WHY she just had to Rentvest. I'm sure many listeners will understand her WHY.   Simone uses many diverse investment strategies along with property, to produce many income streams. She continually asks the question, "how can I do this?" and that exactly how she came up with 'Rentvesting' before it was actually a thing. Simone enjoys her fabulous lifestyle in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney all the while building her asset base.   Enoy Simone's Rentvesting journey.   If you would like more information and free resources on property investing head to www.juliecrockett.com.au   Stay tuned for our 'Rentvestors Course'. It's available in January 2022.   Disclaimer: Everything discussed in this podcast is general information and must not be considered advice. You must seek your own independent, professional advice that is relevant to your personal circumstances before making any investment decisions.
Jan 13, 2022
36 min
Season 3 Episode 1 Rentvesting for the Her Investment Property Podcast with Melissa Martin
This brand new Series Three is all about "RENTVESTING". For those who are not familiar with the term, it's all about renting where you want to live and getting into the property market at much lower price points by investing in other more affordable capital cities. Today's guest, Melissa Martin shares her Rentvesting story to help other women understand how it's done. Melissa was 'terrified' of getting into debt until she worked in financial and accounting companies and saw how others invested and made their income work harder for them. Her strategy is to keep renting and buying investment properties as her primary way to build her net worth. Her story is inspiring. Enjoy! For more information about property investment head to www.juliecrockett.com.au There's a brand new "Rentvesting Course" coming your way in 2022 so stay tuned and I will let you know when it's available.   Disclaimer: Everything discussed in this podcast is general information and must not be considered advice. You must seek your own independent, professional advice that is relevant to your personal circumstances before making any investment decisions.
Jan 6, 2022
33 min
Season 2 Episode 11: The Guest Experts - Julie Crockett with Monique Robb
Today's guest expert is Monique Robb, Special Counsel with Lander and Rogers and she speaks about Binding Financial Agreements (and a couple of other related topics) to provide listeners with an understanding of their exposure to risk when one party in a relationship holds significantly more assets than the other party and how the law deals with the financial split when it comes to relationship breakdown. This is such an important topic for property investors who can potentially make millions of dollars from their property portfolios over the long term and enter into de facto relationships. When does the law consider you a "couple" and how the assets should then be divided? Monique covers all of this and so much more. Monique can be contacted at [email protected] For free resources on property investing head to www.juliecrockett.com.au   Disclaimer: Everything discussed in this podcast is general information and must not be considered advice. You must seek your own independent, professional advice that is relevant to your personal circumstances before making any investment decisions.
Dec 10, 2021
38 min
Season 2 Episode 10: The Guest Experts - Julie Crockett with Cassie Dittman
This week's Guest Expert is Cassie Dittman, Director of Grow Well Financial in Brisbane. Cassie had worked with many financial institutions for 17 years before deciding to set up her own mortgage broking business where she has gone from strength to strength. Cassie is also a property investor and like me, really passionate about helping women to overcome anxiety and reluctance around investing. She shares some great tips on how to get the right loan structure and some common mistakes that first time investors make and how to avoid them. If you are wanting to invest but haven't started yet, this podcast has some 'gold nuggets' for you. Want some free resources? Head to www.juliecrockett.com.au Need some investment property education? You will find out more at www.juliecrockett.com.au If this Podcast has been helpful then share it with others. Disclaimer: The information shared on Her Investment Property Podcast is general in nature and must not be relied upon as advice. Seek independent, professional advice before investing.
Nov 25, 2021
35 min
Season 2 Episode 9: The Guest Experts - Julie Crockett with  Gilbert Melgar
Today's Guest Expert is Gilbert Melgar, creator of the data analytics platform, Suburbs Finder. He takes us through how the data can help us find WHERE we need to be looking to buy an investment property and for investors this is an absolute game changer. Using data trends to help us determine where to buy takes all the guesswork out of the process. Gilbert also talks about his own property investment journey and his most recent purchase using Suburbs Finder (of course!). This episode is an absolute 'must listen' if you have been wondering about how to find the best locations to invest. For free resources head to juliecrockett.com.au Disclaimer: The information shared on Her Investment Property Podcast is general in nature and must not be relied upon as advice. Seek independent, professional advice before investing.
Nov 4, 2021
30 min
Season 2 Episode 8: The Guest Experts - Julie Crockett on how to negotiate
Julie Crockett, Buyer's Agent for Investors talks about 'How To Negotiate' when it comes to buying an investment property. The focus doesn't always need to be on price. She spends most days negotiating with skilled sales agents when buying investment properties for her clients and in this episode she gives several hot tips on how to negotiate well, take the emotion out of it and most importantly, secure the property. In this current hot property market it's even more important to understand how to navigate this important 'Negotiation' space. For more information on property investing and to get your free resources head to www.juliecrockett.com.au   Disclaimer: The information shared on Her Investment Property Podcast is general in nature and must not be relied upon as advice. Seek independent, professional advice before investing.
Oct 28, 2021
13 min
Season 2 Episode 7: The Guest Experts - Julie Crockett
Julie Crockett is the creator of Her Investment Property Podcast and today she speaks on the changing trends of housing.   Inspired by demographer, Mark McCrindle, she shares some of his recent stats and ideas on how our housing needs have changed due to the Covid 19 Pandemic. Moving forward, what design features will be on the housing wish lists of our children in 2041?   What will be the median house price in 20 years time? How many homes will be needed to house the Australian population in 2041?   For free resources and other information on Property Investing head to www.juliecrockett.com.au   Disclaimer: The information shared on Her Investment Property Podcast is general in nature and must not be relied upon as advice. Seek independent, professional advice before investing.  
Oct 21, 2021
10 min
Season 2 Episode 6: The Guest Experts - Julie Crockett with Cheryl Leong
Guest Expert Cheryl Leong Property Developer Today's Guest Expert is Cheryl Leong who is a Property investor, developer, business owner and Mum. She wears a lot of hats and most importantly, as you'll learn from this Podcast, Cheryl is big on "giving back" and making a positive impact on the world. This Podcast will change the way that you think about investing - even if you've never invested before and that our 'mindset' plays a powerful part in what we achieve or don't achieve in life. If you would like to connect with Cheryl, you can find her at https://www.facebook.com/cherylleongc2 If you liked this podcast and would like to know more about investing head to www.juliecrockett.com.au You will also find free resources at www.juliecrockett.com.au   Disclaimer: All discussion on 'Her Investment Property' podcast is of a general nature. Before investing always seek professional advice that is specific to your personal circumstance. Julie Crockett www.juliecrockett.com.au
Oct 14, 2021
45 min
Season 2 Episode 5: The Guest Experts - Julie Crockett with Svetlana Thorpe
Today I interview Svetlana Thorpe, Director of Thorpe Conveyancing and she shares her tips on 'all things' conveyancing. In particular, how to avoid making costly mistakes when it come to buying in a Strata development and what to look out for when it comes to the Cooling Off period. For first time property investors wanting to understand the nuts and bolts of conveyancing in NSW, this episode is a must. If you want to connect with Svetlana, you can reach her here: [email protected] If you want to learn more about property investing or property education head to www.juliecrockett.com.au   Disclaimer: All discussion on 'Her Investment Property' podcast is of a general nature. Before investing always seek professional advice that is specific to your personal circumstance. Julie Crockett www.juliecrockett.com.au
Oct 7, 2021
41 min
Season 2 Episode 4: The Guest Experts - Julie Crockett with Ken Lardner
Kent Lardner is 'next level' when it comes to property Research and he brings a wealth of knowledge to our listeners in this new Guest Expert series. The analysis of property data trends is his specialty and if you're wanting to know 'where' to buy an investment property then Kent's Research Tool 'Suburb Trends' is a must have. Kent unpacks how the analysis of fundamental trends helps us to understand where is set for growth. That's a pretty handy tool to have when it comes to buying an investment property and building a portfolio. Kent offers a free version of this amazing research tool. You can get the free version of 'Suburb Trends' here: https://www.suburbtrends.com/ If you want more information on property investing and investment education head to www.juliecrockett.com.au   Disclaimer: All discussion on 'Her Investment Property' podcast is of a general nature. Before investing always seek professional advice that is specific to your personal circumstance. Julie Crockett www.juliecrockett.com.au
Sep 30, 2021
44 min
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