HEJ Youth! Podcast

HEJ Youth!

Welcome to our HEJ Youth! Podcast (also known as the HEJPodcast)! HEJYouth is an international, youth lead activist group committed to achieve a healthy and toxic-free future! Here, we will cover the most important topics that are currently impacting our world! From plastic pollution to youth activism, get ready for an incredible experience! Listen to inspiring community and youth leaders, activists true professionals from all around the world! The HEJ Youth! Podcast is an empowering platform for people around the world to connect, share their stories, work and voice their opinions!
Episode 3: The Natural Disaster Crisis
Welcome to HEJYouth's International Podcast! Listen to our host Veronika talk about some of the most important topics and issues surrounding this subject! We will focus on a wide range of important topics regarding natural disasters, such as... 1. Wildfires in Canada 2. Smog and Climate Change 3. The Impact of Climate Change on Natural Disasters 4. What YOU Can Do To Act! Get ready for an incredible experience!
Dec 24, 2021
16 min
Episode 2: Women and Chemicals: The Hidden Dangers Around You!
Welcome to HEJYouth's International Podcast! Listen to our amazing hosts Veronika and Anastasia talk about some of the most important topics and issues surrounding this subject! We will focus on a wide range of important topics regarding plastic pollution, such as... 1. Women and Chemicals: The dangers of PFAS and Safe packaging 2. Plastic & Toxic Free Periods: The Dangers and Solutions/Alternatives 3. Busting Myths From women empowerment to youth activism, get ready for an incredible experience!
Jul 30, 2021
12 min
Episode 1: How Gen-Z Has Rediscovered Plastic Pollution
Welcome to HEJYouth's International Podcast! In this episode we have special guest speakers, Michelle and Jeremy Muchilwa from Kenya who founded Bring Back Lake Victoria! We will focus on a wide range of important topics regarding plastic pollution, such as: The global situation with plastic pollution The Canadian Case The German Case What is happening to Lake Victoria in Kenya What YOU can do to stop plastic pollution! From plastic pollution to youth activism, get ready for an incredible experience! 
Jun 25, 2021
31 min