Heartland Daily Podcast Podcast
Heartland Daily Podcast
The Heartland Institute
via Podcasts
360 Student Loans & Donald Kendall
I have be a regular listener for several years. It’s going to be hard to listen now that Kendall has revealed his distain for the Biden proposed loan payoff, yet will be using it for himself. Hypocrite. I paid my loan off.. I hate this program. Gary Nelson
Stopping socialism
Great website and great discussion
Great Resource
Helps to put a foundation on what you believe. Great info. All may not have the same ideas but they are still friends and are able to dialogue about it. Highly recommend!!
snarfbbays idaho life
I like listening to this nutty show and its eccentric old presenters. They are sincere and open a window into a weird alternative world. The interview with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine enthusiast Dr Peter McCullouch was hysterical. Glad this crackpot isn’t my doc!
Sterling Burnett
I have enjoyed Heartand's coverage of the climate issue. It appears Mr. Burnett is the default moderator for these podcasts and I recently listened to his interview of Patrick Moore. Although I am sure Mr. Burnett is very knowledgeable in this field when he interviews a guest the listener is interested in hearing from the guest and not unnecessary and meaningless comments from the narrator. Many times it is obvious what point Mr, Burntt is making to the guest and yet he goes on and on taking valuable time away from the expert he is interviewing. This has happened many times and "drives me crazy". Please Mr. Burnett, ask your question as succinctly as possible and don't go on adinfintum commenting to show how much you know. Thanks, Terry Heggeness
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Alternate News
I learn so much from Heartland Daily Podcasts. I consider it my source for information not carried by MSM. I hope others will give it a try to balance out what they're hearing and reading in MSM. I rely on Heartland for news on “Climate Change” information/disinformation, education, healthcare.
Great idea for a show...
...perfectly executed
Best "think tank" podcast out there
Heartland has been doing this for years, so it's not a surprise that the podcast is so professionaly produced and interesting for those who care about policy a lot more than politics. It's always a good discussion, and you learn a lot.
Jim Lakely
Good content
Good content but the interviewer should have let Mike talk more. Interviewer has input but should get Mike to give his input.
Fact based commentary
The podcasts adhere to basic principles, going where the data indicates. It’s a refreshing objective analysis not tainted by political correctness.
Better than the MSM
This podcast disseminates information the mainstream media won't touch. I'm actually being educated on the environment, and I now support school choice. Do yourself a favor and learn about real issues with this podcast. Every single episode points out tangible problems and real world solutions. JUST DOWNLOAD IT
Get the information to see both sides of issues. Especially love the In The Tank episodes.
Too many commercial breaks
06/28/17 I came back to lower my rating, but I was already at one star because of the occasional stereo issue. That issue appears to be fixed, but I have new one; too many commercials. Some of your podcasts are less than 15 min in length but have 3 separate commerial breaks to promote internal initiatives that we've already heard about multiple times. You'll have a break, come back for a minute and a half, and then insert another. Absurd. 09/07/16 And we are back down to one star. Hey morons (this time it isn't about In The Tank), stereo interviews (when the interviewer is in my left ear and the interviewee is in my right) are a terrible way to do podcasts. Knock it off. You annoy the user who has to go into the accessibility settings on a phone to turn on mono sound. It's a PITA. 04/16/16 The new format for In The Tank is much improved. Also, while it appears the microphone placement has changed for the better, either mount it on an arm or stop drumming on the desktop with your fingers. 10/19/15 I’ve enjoyed the rest of your daily podcasts, but In The Tank is awful. On the audio quality alone it fails. Did you guys put the microphone in an Air Conditioning unit? Beyond that, the commentary is lacking. Instead of learning something from experts in the field, I feel like I’m listening to a couple of freshmen discuss their Econ 101 class as they struggle to integrate their newfound libertarian perspectives.
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Never Miss It!
Great podcasts and interviews by experts in their fields help me keep up-to-date on important issues. My favorites are the ones on Energy and Environmental Policy. With so much biased misinformation in the popular media, this podcast gives you the facts.
A daily necessity
A thought provoking and informative podcast. A daily dose of this podcast helps to form a backbone of truth to answer many of the difficult questions of the day. The In The Tank edition of this podcast is enjoyable. The banter often reveals a deep understanding of the issues being presented. Many of the discussions and games are amusing. It makes for a fun and cerebral Friday. Overall this podcast is a sound and useful podcast. Highly recommended for anyone with a Libertarian or Conservative leaning.
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Void Legionaire