Heartland Daily Podcast Podcast
Heartland Daily Podcast
The Heartland Institute
Ill Literacy, Episode 146: Arabella (Guest: Scott Walter) - episode of Heartland Daily Podcast podcast

Ill Literacy, Episode 146: Arabella (Guest: Scott Walter)

58 minutes Posted Jun 17, 2024 at 4:01 pm.
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In Episode 146 of Ill Literacy, Tim Benson talks with Scott Walter, author ofArabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America

Heartland’s Tim Benson is joined by Scott Walter, president of the capital Research Center, to discuss his new book, Arabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America. They chat about what is the Arabella Advisors network, who its chief backers are, how it functions, and what exactly is “dark money.” They also discuss why Arabella is different than right-wing “dark money” networks, and what impact it has on American politics and policy. 

Get the book here: https://www.encounterbooks.com/books/arabella/

Show Notes: 

Wall Street Journal: Scott Walter – “Inside the Left’s Web of ‘Dark Money’”
