What if YOU were your greatest liability? What if embracing this idea actually created more freedom in your life to change? You are both your greatest roadblock and your greatest asset. You have what it takes to shift your perspective. It is time to get out of your own way so you can live the life that lights you up.
Listen to my free meditation “Visualize Your Comeback” to help you transform your gritty challenges into comeback gold!
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Jul 6, 2022
22 min

Why do we quit? Are there benefits to quitting? How do we create more choice, freedom, and curiosity in our lives? Quitting is not necessarily a bad thing. Success hits different when you have quit before. Success feels different when you embrace failure as a source of greater responsibility and power.
Listen to my free meditation “Visualize Your Comeback” to help you transform your gritty challenges into comeback gold!
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Jul 2, 2022
24 min

This episode includes my recent reflections about what it means to express ourselves creatively in the world, live as if we are dying, and discern how to navigate feedback from loved ones to haters on the internet. Cheers to having the courage to stand up, speak out, and consciously create your life experience. Your voice matters. Your experience matters. You matter.
Listen to my free meditation “Visualize Your Comeback” to help you transform your gritty challenges into comeback gold!
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Jun 25, 2022
23 min

When we are willing to dig deep into both our pain and pleasure, our discomfort and comfort, we find the seeds of our deepest desires, purpose, and passions. This process of getting closer to what we actually value can feel exciting and scary at the same time. This contradiction and tension is an opportunity to embrace the truth of who we are… and it is okay if it takes time. Living into our purpose is a lifelong journey, and we prepare for it and embody it through direct experience - the ups, the downs, and everything between.
Listen to my free meditation “Visualize Your Comeback” to help you transform your gritty challenges into comeback gold!
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Jun 14, 2022
24 min

What do you do when progress stalls? When it seems like what you want is not possible? When doubt, insecurity, and fear creep in? Hold the faith. Reconnect with the knowing that what you desire is yours. This does not mean you are entitled to the outcome. It means you are entitled to the work. Everything you need to up-level exists in your present moment. Engage deeper with your direct experience and diffuse the pressure to “get it right” with your growth. Sometimes creating a break through moment is more about relaxing your grip and need for control than trying to force something to happen.
Listen to my free meditation “Visualize Your Comeback” to help you transform your gritty challenges into comeback gold!
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Apr 8, 2022
28 min

The more we try to ignore our past and our pain, the more we cut ourselves off from the ability to envision and experience the dreams alive inside us. We often think our pain is something to avoid, but often our greatest sense of power and choice comes from turning towards it, processing it, and using it as the fuel for our creativity and actions. Because here is the thing - those big, audacious goals that excite you also require you to become a different version of you, one that is committed to doing both the internal and external work necessary to create a different reality for yourself. Are you ready?
Listen to my free meditation “Visualize Your Comeback” to help you transform your gritty challenges into comeback gold!
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Apr 2, 2022
29 min

The term “comfort zone” may not be an accurate representation of what it means to remain the same. Your comfort zone may be very uncomfortable if you have woken up to the truth that you are meant for something bigger, grander, and deeper in life. But here is the kicker - although your current situation may be uncomfortable, it is familiar. How much familiarity are you willing to risk in your journey to grow? What are you willing to shed to create new space for your goals and dreams? Choose your uncomfortable - the discomfort of remaining the same, or the discomfort of growing into who you have always known yourself to be.
Listen to my free meditation “Visualize Your Comeback” to help you transform your gritty challenges into comeback gold!
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Mar 24, 2022
25 min

Information we consume impacts us. Conversations we have impact us. Thoughts we believe impact us. These connections and inputs are part of how we fuel and feed our minds. So how can we apply more awareness to what we are receiving? How can we ensure we are not using positivity bias to bypass the reality of our experiences and the world around us? This is a nuanced topic that directly contributes to our daily quality of life. Let’s dig in and explore the nutritional and energetic content of our “mind food” and see what we find out.
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Mar 15, 2022
24 min

Our souls are the parts of us that exist within us and beyond us. They hold our truths. They speak to us in whispers. Reconnecting to our souls and reclaiming our purpose is a practice. It is also how we are designed to live, love, and create in this world - if we give ourselves permission to do so. Feeling disconnected? Feeling uninspired? Now is the time to cultivate a relationship with your soul and remember who you are.
Join my Patreon to access exclusive content that supports your transformation journey!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/janessanickell
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@janessanickell
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovejanessanickell
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3rBkboX
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Mar 8, 2022
28 min

The astrology sign Pisces represents the energy of mutable water. This energy is ever-changing and teaches us how to navigate the ocean of our internal experience with a sense of purpose as the waves of the external world rock us back and forth. The Moon card in the Tarot is associated with Pisces and offers a dimension of nocturnal, primal, and intuitive magic that supports us through the never-ending journey of exploring the mysteries within ourselves and our world.
Join my Patreon to access exclusive content that supports your transformation journey!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/janessanickell
Website: www.janessanickell.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/janessanickell
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@janessanickell
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovejanessanickell
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3rBkboX
Email: [email protected]
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/heartawake/message
Mar 2, 2022
23 min
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