Healthy Births, Happy Babies
Healthy Births, Happy Babies
Dr. Jay Warren
024: Saving Your Sex Life After Having a Baby | Kimberly Johnson
36 minutes Posted Feb 1, 2016 at 12:30 am.
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Guest: Kimberly Johnson, certified Sexological Bodyworker, near-certified Somatic Experiencing practitioner, doula, Rolfer and yoga teacher.

In this episode, we will cover:

  1. What physical and emotional changes to look out for that can cause difficulties with resuming your sex life after having a baby and what to do about it
  2. the difference between Endorphin Sex and Oxytocin Sex and how it gets in the way of enjoying fantastic sex again
  3. the “3 Minute Game” that you can play with your partner to re-establish your connection and build a new sexual bond together

Resources mentioned in the conversation:

Bio: About Kimberly Johnson

Kimberly Johnson is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker and near-certified Somatic Experiencing practitioner.

She is also a single mom, doula, Rolfer and yoga teacher.

She leads workshops internationally and virtually on the intersection of women's sexuality and spirituality as well as holistic post-partum healing.

After living in Brazil for eight years, she now resides in San Diego, CA where she has a private practice, specializing in birth injury, birth trauma, and sexual healing.