Healthy Births, Happy Babies
Healthy Births, Happy Babies
Dr. Jay Warren
022: Can You Heal a Prolapse? | Kimberly Johnson
37 minutes Posted Jan 18, 2016 at 12:30 am.
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Guest: Kimberly Johnson, certified Sexological Bodyworker, near-certified Somatic Experiencing practitioner, doula, Rolfer and yoga teacher.

In this episode, we will cover:

  1. What the common symptoms are that may indicate you have a prolapse
  2. How not all prolapses occur from childbirth and when in post-partum they can occur
  3. How to prevent prolapse during pregnancy, during labor and post-partum

Resources mentioned in the conversation:

Bio: About Kimberly Johnson

Kimberly Johnson is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker and near-certified Somatic Experiencing practitioner.

She is also a single mom, doula, Rolfer and yoga teacher.

She leads workshops internationally and virtually on the intersection of women's sexuality and spirituality as well as holistic post-partum healing.

After living in Brazil for eight years, she now resides in San Diego, CA where she has a private practice, specializing in birth injury, birth trauma, and sexual healing.