Health Secrets Podcast
Health Secrets Podcast
Jonathan Otto
The importance of being heard: The search for doctors who treat more than just the symptoms
38 minutes Posted Jan 21, 2020 at 10:05 am.
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“I completely lost my self-confidence, I had nothing. I felt like I lost everything, I lost my life.” ...At the young age of 23, dancer, singer, and actress, Jessica Ferguson (Autoimmune survivor) describes her health as hitting an all-time low. Despite being followed by 8 doctors, she didn't have an explanation for what was happening inside her body. Fed up of yet another prescription added to the handful of medications she was already taking to keep her symptoms at bay, Jessica decided enough was enough and was determined to be truly heard.
If you have ever felt vulnerable, invisible, or simply as though those meant to help you weren’t taking you seriously...then this interview is a must-hear. Jessica shares how incredible it felt to regain hope of better health and to heal completely from her chronic health issues thanks to the integrative health practices and nutritional approach of one incredible holistic doctor. All the while, her strong faith in God never wavering... Listen in here.
Jonathan Otto from Health Secret interviewed Jessica Ferguson about Autoimmune.