Health Equity Podcast Channel
Health Equity Podcast Channel
Curated by Health Podcast Network
Aging Fast & Slow: Unearthing Root Causes of Structural Racism
23 minutes Posted Oct 4, 2023 at 5:08 am.
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Structural racism is more than private prejudices held by individuals. It is embedded in institutional policies and practices that unfairly minoritize and disadvantage certain groups while advantaging others. Addressing structural racism then requires not only changing individual attitudes, but also identifying and changing those policies and institutions that foster a racial hierarchy. We are joined by trailblazer Dr. Zinzi Bailey, a social epidemiologist and Assistant Professor at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. Drawing upon her extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative methods of assessing social determinants of health inequities, Dr. Bailey discusses how she uses this information to dismantle structural racism.


-| The Health Equity Podcast Channel is made possible with support from Bayer G4A. Learn more about how Bayer G4A is advancing equity, access and sustainability at

-| This episode originally aired on May 3, 2023 on Aging Fast & Slow. Listen, follow and subscribe here.