My wife and I recently had a very scary week where Doctors told her that she had breast cancer. I made the first part of this video about how we were handling it before we found out that fortunately, our prayers were answered and it turned out to be wrong.
Oct 8, 2023
23 min

Best friends aren't lovers, and lovers aren't best friends. Don't be your spouse's best friend - be their lover!
You don't need to have things in common with your partner - my wife and I don't have anything in common. We don't like the same music or the same activities, and that's completely fine because we're lovers - not best friends, even though she's my favorite person in the world. Here's the difference!
Sep 26, 2023
9 min

When my wife told me she was done because of how toxic and disconnected our marriage had become, I was devastated....
But, even if it had not worked, I'm so glad that I didn't quit or give up - that I chose to FIGHT for my marriage instead.
Because we have so much fun together, there's so much joy and connection in my home now, and the truth is - if I didn't learn these lessons with her, then any other relationship would have only ended the exact same way...
The problem is rarely your partner. It's usually a lack of skills and understanding of how to build, maintain, and sustain a happy, healthy relationship...
Sep 20, 2023
21 min

The Break Up (2006) featuring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston had many lessons we can learn (both good and bad) about how to handle a break up or request for divorce
Sep 14, 2023
9 min

If your spouse has told you they want a Divorce or they are done, you can (and maybe already have tried) these 3 steps to save your marriage, but I warn you - it's a terrible idea. So I'm also sharing what to do INSTEAD.
Sep 8, 2023
11 min

Emotional, deep, impactful. I did an exercise to write a letter to myself from the future as an 80 year old. I tried, really really tried not to cry, but the end just got me. Maybe it will get you too.
Get your marriage right:
Jul 28, 2023
9 min

Regret is what we feel when we focus on the past, instead of learning the lessons that the past has to teach us and focusing on what we can do with it now.
Jun 24, 2023
6 min

My wife was distant and disconnected, so I expressed my feelings in a useful way. It got her to be kind, affectionate, and loving, BUT... I didn't feel heard because she hadn't told me I was right to feel the way I did.
Get the book here: www.happyhealthymarriagereset.com
Jun 12, 2023
14 min

Here's what's new & different in The Happy, Healthy Marriage Reset + why I wrote a separate book that just came out, The Happy Healthy Marriage Reset Christians' Guide.
Available at: www.happyhealthymarriagereset.com
Jun 11, 2023
18 min

Feeling anxious with all the uncertainty in your marriage? There are three steps to permanently end anxiety. I remember having a panic attack thinking I was dying because my marriage was falling apart... Here's what I discovered - and yes, medication was part of it, but that didn't fix the underlying problem - it just helped me deal with the symptoms while I dealt with the ROOT.
NOTE: I said the medication my Doctor prescribed was Adipex, but I was totally off - it was called Buspar. It's been years since I took it and had to check!
Jun 8, 2023
11 min
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