Hanging with My Chromies Podcast

Hanging with My Chromies

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Hanging with My Chromies is a podcast focused on the many surprising applications of chromatography and the stories surrounding them — from beer to true crime and everything in between. Listen in and geek out with the chromies: Katie, Chelsea, Lindsey, Candice, and Philip.
Chromies, a Year in Review
It's been a fun year with lots of learning and even more laughs. This special episode allows you to listen to our favorite lessons learned as well as some of the goofs that did not make the cut. Have a listen and a laugh with us!
Dec 11, 2019
19 min
Episode 12: Can You Pick What's Organic?
The organic food market in the U.S. is over $45 billion and continues to grow as more people are concerned about how their produce is produced! Listen in and learn what's organic, how it is regulated, and why the price tag is so high.
Dec 11, 2019
23 min
Episode 11: Pardon Me, I'm Going to Go Powder My Nose!
By 2020, the cosmetic industry is predicted to be a $650B business. That's a lot of lotions, creams, perfumes, and make-up. Listen in as the Chromies discuss the history of cosmetics and how chromatography is helping to keep the industry clean and safe.
Nov 12, 2019
25 min
Episode 10: Let’s Talk about Ebola
You’ve undoubtedly heard about one of the most infamous diseases in the world. Listen in to the Chromies, and find out about the game changing development in fighting the Ebola epidemic!
Oct 8, 2019
22 min
Episode 9: Is There a Future for Biofuels?
Listen in as the Chromies discuss the advancements in biofuels as an alternative to our dependence on fossil fuels. Is the solution growing in the ground beneath our feet, blooming in our waters, or falling from zebras? Aminex is a trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. in certain jurisdictions.
Sep 10, 2019
29 min
Episode 8: 42 — Space Case
Does life exist somewhere besides on Earth? As technology advances and we use tools like chromatography, we expect to see a clearer picture of how humans came to be on Earth and whether extraterrestrial life may exist somewhere else in the universe.
Aug 13, 2019
25 min
Episode 6: Immunity in the Making
Due to their success, vaccines have changed the world in ways that we no longer see today. Listen and learn how chromatography has made this success possible by helping to produce safe and effective vaccines.
Jun 11, 2019
38 min
Episode 6: Immunity in the Making (Interview Only)
Due to their success, vaccines have changed the world in ways that we no longer see today. Listen and learn how chromatography has made this success possible by helping to produce safe and effective vaccines.
Jun 11, 2019
25 min
Episode 5: Square Bob Sponge Pants
Ever wondered what chromatography, a marine invertebrate called Square Bob, Oklahoma's finest roadkill, and gnawing tree bark all have in common? Listen to the latest musings of The Chromies to find out how Mother Nature has got your back.
May 9, 2019
37 min
Episode 5: Square Bob Sponge Pants (Interview Only)
Ever wondered what chromatography, a marine invertebrate called Square Bob, Oklahoma's finest roadkill, and gnawing tree bark all have in common? Listen to the latest musings of The Chromies to find out how Mother Nature has got your back.
May 9, 2019
29 min
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